The problem is that Akeeba can not write to the backup archive:
DEBUG |160411 10:45:09|Akeeba\Engine\Archiver\Base::_fwrite() ERROR!! Cannot write to archive file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/ The file exists. File size 2000000000 bytes after writing 579074 of 1048576 bytes. Please check the output directory permissions and make sure you have enough disk space available. If this does not help, please set up a Part Size for Split Archives LOWER than this size and retry backing up.
ERROR |160411 10:45:09|Couldn't write to the archive file; check the output directory permissions and make sure you have enough disk space available.[len=579074 / 1048576]
There are two main causes for this error. First, you are out of space on your website. No matter what your host tells you, there is no such thing as an unlimited disk and no such thing as unlimited disk space. They may need to allocate more disk space to your account.
Second, your backup archive may have grown too large and your host is blocking access to it. Some hosts limit the size of an individual file. Go to Configuration, in the archive Options, and reduce your part size. It is currently set at 2 Gb. From the error message, it looks like you need to reduce this a bit.
Dale L. Brackin
Support Specialist
English: native
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