Description of my issue:
I have multiple sites using Akeeba Backup.
I have just updated from 4.4.x to 4.5.1
After the update I have gotten the message about the password that is not strong enough and a suggested new secret word.
I just hit the button apply suggested secret word. This worked fine and I have updated the external cron jobs and everything seems fine.
But on 2 of the sites the password didn't work. And i found out that sometimes the password suggested before the "Apply suggested secret word" button is clicked is not the same as the password that is then written on the screen afterwards "The secret word has been changed to xxx" And the password that is saved is the one written on the last message.
Here are 2 examples:
Suggested: U13DJSlXlU_QMDL-bMtx1WAE3dfN6w-K
Suggested: HNz--TYRT4A-CG8im_j9jtlx2Q3-55f3
Saved: PfN2VpXAPD5Q77nKaoxHfjEMIcucW3fN
It looks as if the multiple - and _ could be the problem. The ones that worked didnt have multiple of these characters.
Best regards
Jacob Picht