allora penso sia lo stesso problema per cui tempo fa avevo già aperto una segnalazione a Siteground.
Però allora il backup fallito si presentava ogni tanto (tipo una volta a settimana) e ho lascito correre. Ma adesso non riesco più ad ottenerne manco uno a settimana (ho settato il cronjon per una volta al giorno, alle ore 5:00)
La risposto che ebbi fu questa:
Jan 29 04:03:04 Killed long proc(5760) owner(lacasett) :: /usr/local/php53/bin/php-cli -f /home/lacasett/public_html/cli/akeeba-altbackup.php
Jan 31 04:02:17 Killed long proc(13269) owner(lacasett) :: /usr/local/php53/bin/php-cli -f /home/lacasett/public_html/cli/akeeba-altbackup.php
Feb 04 04:02:30 Killed long proc(14499) owner(lacasett) :: /usr/local/php53/bin/php-cli -f /home/lacasett/public_html/cli/akeeba-altbackup.php
Feb 05 03:02:11 Killed long proc(18235) owner(lacasett) :: /usr/local/php53/bin/php-cli -f /home/lacasett/public_html/cli/akeeba-altbackup.php
Feb 05 13:10:03 Killed long proc(29707) owner(lacasett) :: /usr/local/php53/bin/php-cli -f /home/lacasett/public_html/cli/akeeba-altbackup.php
Feb 07 03:02:09 Killed long proc(6389) owner(lacasett) :: php /home/lacasett/public_html/cli/akeeba-altbackup.php
According to these entries the script for your cron job has been killed by our monitoring system because it was running for too long and reached the server timeout limits. As you most probably already know your account is hosted on a shared hosting platform, which means that there are other users currently hosted on it and sharing the server resources with you. So in order to ensure that all accounts are using an equal share of server resources we have set limits to all accounts on the shared server and I am afraid that these limits cannot be changed on a per user request. We could only change these limits on our Cloud and Dedicated hosting account solutions, so you could consider upgrading to such.
Alternatively you could consult with the Akeeba developers and ask them to provide you with an alternative way of setting up the cron job, so that it does not reach these limits and completes successfully.
In questo momento non ritengo opportuno acquistare un servizio di host con un costo maggiore, quindi le chiedo cortesemente se possiamo agire su Akeeba.