I am not sure where to find this so have not attached. Happy to do so with further instructions. Not sure relevant anyhow as this is an upgrade of the component issue and not one related to backups or restorations.
Description of my issue:
I am trying to help a friend transfer a site to a new host. The main version of Joomla is out of date (2.5.11) as is the version of Backup (3.7.10). The issue is that I can not access backup as it does not work with the current version of PHP on the server (5.4). However, every time I try to upgrade backup I get a completely blank screen after trying to install when I should be seeing the installation confirmation screen (administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=install).
If I use the browser back button it goes back to the install screen and everything is normal. Obviously, the updated version is not installed but nothing is affected either. Like it just gets hung up in the install process but never moves forward.
I know I need to update the version of Joomla to 2.5.28 at the very least but nervous to do so without being able to create a backup :-) There last backup was over a year ago so lots of new data, events and users since then.
I know, a mess of an unmaintained site but just trying to jump in and help them out before an event that is coming up. Any help folks can offer would be greatly appreciated as I am at a technical loss of what the issue is or how to address it.