Description of my issue:
We updated Akeeba backup yesterday from 4.2.0 to 4.2.2 - now Akeeba backup no longer works.
We have scripts running on our server every night to auto-backup Akeeba overnight - and since the update the 4 sites we updated have failed to backup. We have 1 site which is still running Akeeba 4.2.0 and this auto-backup was successful.
I have tried manually updating Akeeba and am receiving error messages (please see attached screen shots of the first and subsequent error message received).
The 'view log' for both backend and frontend are completely EMPTY, therefore I have nothing to zip up and send to you!
The ALICE analysis for both frontend and backend has two yellow WARNINGS for the following fields:
Additional database - Wrong access details
Could not detect the used profile, test skipped
Additional database - Joomla database inclusion
Could not detect the used profile, test skipped
Can you please help us with this??