Description of my issue:
I have admin tools pro and akeeba backup pro installed on a site with the latest version of Joomla 2.5.
I got a notice that admin tools needed upgrading, and went to upgrade it via the extension manager Update tab, and during the Akeeba backup of a restore point, I got:
Backup Failed
The backup operation has been halted because an error was detected.
The last error message was:
AJAX Loading Error
HTTP Status: 500 (Internal Server Error)
Internal status: error
XHR ReadyState: 4
Raw server response:
Please click the 'Analyse Log' button below have Akeeba Backup analyse its log file for further information.
I had got the error on a previous occasion and when I ran the Analyse Log button, I got no information.
Now if I try to navigate anywhere, I have a completely blank white screen, both front end and back end.
There are no php errors in my system error files.
I tried disabling (renaming) .htaccess. I tried re-enabling the default htaccess.txt. No change, still the white screen everywhere.
I tried deleting the akeeba backup component (except for the critical two folders and files) as per but it made no difference.
I tried to find a way to re-install admin tools manually (as per but the instructions still require backend access so I don't know how to manually upgrade via ftp.
I cannot follow the majority of troubleshooting instructions as I have no access to the backend.
I am at a loss as to what to do other than a complete restore from backup.