Description of my issue:
I have problems to get my Remote FTP backups to the FTP server when runned in a cronjob. I am pretty sure it is related to the latest Ubuntu 14.04 version which use PHP 5.5.9.
This is the case. I made a separate profile in Akeeba for these cronjob. First I run the configuration wizard for this profile. Then I set the "Data processing engine" to "Upload to Remote FTP server". When I make a backup with this profile in the Joomla Akeeba backpanel it's transferring the files to the remote server. So that's ok. When I check the backend log I see on the beginning some PHP parameters like Max. exec. time:120, Memory limit: 128M etc. Further I see in the log that the script is connecting to the FTP server and transferring the files.
Now I make a cronjob with this command: /usr/bin/php /home/xxxxxx/public_html/cli/akeeba-backup.php --profile=2 --description="Cron backup to FTP". When I run this cronjob there are no errors. But the time it use is very short. Afterwards when I check the backups in Akeeba I see that there is a Command-line backup, BUT...the file is still on the server. There is a link: Transfer Archive (ftp). When I click on this link the file(s) are transferred to the FTP server. So no problem with the connection. But this should be done already in the script.
So now I check the commandline logfile. First thing I see in the beginning is that there are almost no PHP parameters. And some are totally wrong, like Max. exec. time:0; Memory limit: -1. At the end of the log there are no records for FTP transfer. For some reason the script doesn't transfer them.
Also when I have a huge site with 150MB files and I set the Archiver engine to split them in files from 50MB the script is generating ONE big file from 150MB. I can see in the log that the slitting is ignored. When I make the same backup in the backpanel with the same profile the cronjob is using the files are spit in 3 files from around 50MB and one smaller. So there it is working.
It took a while to figure out the problem. On the server with Ubuntu 14.04 these cron backups are not working with FTP. When I make a backup from the site on that server and put it on a server with Ubuntu 12.04 cronjobs are working and files are transferred. So it's not related with the installation from Joomla and Akeeba. When I put a clean Joomla installation on the Ubuntu 14.04 server it's also not working. On a 12.04 server it's working.
The strange thing is that when I check the commandline log from the 12.04 server I see also missing PHP parameters.But at the end I see that the script is transfering the files to the FTP server.
Also when I run the troubleshooter ALICE there are errors in the log, for instance Availible memory. But both servers give the same error, and one is working. Also the availible memory is more then 4Mb. Think it's related to the wrong PHP parameters in the logs.
Last but least..Ubuntu 14.04 use Opcache. I noticed already that it's causing problems with PHP so I disabled Opcache on this server.
Can you please check it? I can provide you logins etc.