Description of my issue:
Hi Guys,
I need help with setting up autobackups using Akeeba. I'm not familiar with CRON jobs etc. and have tried reading the manuals and gone through the forums etc. to see if I could find a solution before posting here.
I have got a windows 7 PC running that is hosting my website internally for our office's internal use. I'd like to back the website up with its database etc on a regular basis. Recently I managed to move the website from a XP machine to Windows 7 using Akeeba and Kickstart & the migration went through like a dream,..
Now, I'd like to start taking regular backups (every night) of the website and its database and store it on my office server that gets backed up regularly.
Can you please help. I'm not able to figure out how to do it using CRON jobs etc for local installation. Is there a step by step guide for local installation etc \forpeople with very limited knowledge?
Sorry if this has been answered before, I am happy to look and read if pointed in the right direction.