Description of my issue:
Hello, I just upgraded to akeeba backup pro, in order to automate the transfer my site's backup to my home's ftp NAS. The whole process seems to run fine.
I need same advise from you. I first describe my steps and my question are at the end.
configuration steps
At first I tested in akeeba's configuration the ftp setting and got the following error:
AJAX Error
An error has occurred while waiting for an AJAX response:
AJAX Loading Error
HTTP Status: 406 (Not Acceptable)
Internal status: error
XHR ReadyState: 4
Raw server response:
I found some help in your forum:
Please contact your host and ask them to install the SSH2 PHP module. Please note that this module is different than the SSH server used to connect to your library. Your host should have no problem installing and activating this PHP module (it literally takes less than 5 minutes).
I transfered this info to my host and I got the following info:
(I translate freely from french..) write "SecFilterEngine Off" in your .htaccess file
So I have written this command in the field "Custom .htaccess rules at the bottom of the file" of my admintools .htaccess Maker
Backup and upload to my ftp NAS works as expected. I'm very happy.
Now my questions:
1) I don't ses the connection between the SSH2 PHP module and the SecFilterEngine Off command
2) Is it safe to enable this command, and have I set it at the correct place (or should I set it at "Custom .htaccess rules at the top of the file"