this ticket is the following of this one
As I wrote:
I'm working with the "Extensions installation enhanced by Akeeba Backup" feature enabled.
So, when I start an update/install of Akeeba Backup / Akeeba Admin Tool / Template Creator CK / Seblod etc. etc. components from the "Upload & Install Joomla Extension", the Akeeba Backup perform a new System Restore Point.
When I install (update) languages files like the Akeeba Backup one, Template Creator CK, etc. etc. Akeeba Backup avoid that. (I think this is the right way).
But not when I update and install Seblod languages files.
For each Seblod Language file Akeeba Backup perform a complete site backup!
Please, How to avoid that ?
Davide suggest me that It depends on the package type, as defined by the developer in the manifest XML inside the package.
If they have set it up as a "package" or "files" extensions (instead of the proper type "language") SRP is triggered.
But I checked, tested again, and:
1 - J2.5: Making non-core language packs - Joomla! Documentation the type of package is "file" type;
2 - Infact as you can see all (Akeeba Backup, Template Creator CK, etc. etc., Seblod) are marked as "file" - I attach here the 3 xml languages files examples.
Please, Can you suggest me why issue is happening only installing Seblod languages file ?