Description of my issue:
I've been asked to migrate and update an old 1.5 website from a backup made with joomlapack.
It all seems to work OK until right at the end of the database restoration, when it stops with the following error:
Error at the line 193: CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `#__jf_languages` AS select `l`.`lang_id` AS `lang_id`,`l`.`lang_code` AS `lang_code`,`l`.`title` AS `title`,`l`.`title_native` AS `title_native`,`l`.`sef` ... MySQL: MySQL query failed with error 1054 (Unknown column 'l.lang_id' in 'field list'). The query was:CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `jos_jf_languages` AS select `l`.`lang_id` AS `lang_id`,`l`.`lang_code` AS `lang_code`,`l`.`title` AS `title`,`l`.`title_native` AS `title_native`,`l`.`sef` AS `sef`,`l`.`description` AS `description`,`l`.`published` AS `published`,`l`.`image` AS `image`,`lext`.`image_ext` AS `image_ext`,`lext`.`fallback_code` AS `fallback_code`,`lext`.`params` AS `params`,`lext`.`ordering` AS `ordering` from (`jos_languages` `l` left join `jos_jf_languages_ext` `lext` on((`l`.`lang_id` = `lext`.`lang_id`))) order by `lext`.`ordering`
i've tried several times and it just won't get past this. I have no idea what to do. Can you help?