The cron job does a weekly backup. In 2013 it was transferring to my Amazon S3 account each week, but since 12th of January a backup has not been transferred, although the backups have completed and were listed in "manage backups" in Akeeba.
On the 16th of January I upgraded the site to J2.5.17 and also upgraded Akeeba Backup to 3.9.2. It seems that since upgrading to 3.9.2 the transfers to Amazon of command line initiated backup files is no longer occuring.
If I do a backup manually the backup file is transferred to Amazon S3 fine.
Attached is a screenshot of the "manage backups" screen, showing command line backup not transferred, and also a copy of my Amazon S3 files, which shows weekly timestamped files for 2013.
Today I upgraded the site to J2.5.18 and Akeeba Backup 3.10.1. Will this have fixed the transfer issue for command line initiated backups?