Description of my issue:
Please see previous thread #18309 that's now closed.
Hi Nicolas,
I have been reading through the documentation that you sent me previously: and I would like clarification from you if possible please, of the following;
For me to be able to setup a CRON task on my webhosting server (Which I currently have working for a normal akeeba backup scheduled task to the same webhosting server) but for the akeeba backup's to be automatically sent and uploaded to a networked server that is used by the charity I'm doing this work for, in essence it's a NAS-Share style server and it seems perfect to have the actual website files and database backed up to this for disaster prevention and so forth.
Am I only to implement the "Upload to Remote FTP Server" ? Can this be a NAS-Share networked server, whilst it doesn't hold anything but company's files and folders for the networked terminals within the office.... it does have internet access but I'm unsure how to set this up and being a bit out of my comfort zone but hoping to learn from you and get this new way of backing up our site files implemented and sort asap.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.