
Akeeba Backup for Joomla!

#18589 Ungültiger Controller: name='akeeba', format=''

Posted in ‘Akeeba Backup for Joomla! 4 & 5’
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Akeeba Backup version

Latest post by BO-Samson on Monday, 23 December 2013 14:24 CST

When updating the Joomla-Extension-Installer there was an Error "Ungültiger Controller: name='akeeba', format=''" After deactivating the restore-point-plugin, the update worked well. But there is an option "back to standard-installation" (translated form german), wich does not work and results in same issue: Ungültiger Controller: name='akeeba', format=''

With other updates, the restore-point-plugin works well.

it is not a big problem for me. But perhaps this information helps you to find an solve this problem.

Akeeba Staff
Hello Jurgen,

please take a look at this ticket, it deals the same issue:,-format-2-2-2.html

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Thank you, I already read this.

Yes, he has a code cache, most likely XCache (many hosts have started enabling it by default, without realizing what they are doing!). He should ask his host for a way to reset or suspend the code cache.

I am worried about "many hosts ...". I think, they will have a reason to activate tools like XCache. I am not a professional, but should you not try to set up akeeba in a way, that shoul`d work on most servers? And why does restore-point-plugin work on any other installation, but not on this?

HostEurope is one of the biggest hoster and their setup should be an argument, shouldn't it?

Your support is great, I do not want to be unkind. What is the result, when I ask for deactivating cache-routines? Will my site get much slower?

Akeeba Staff
You don't have to disable the server cache on your server, you just have to ask your host if they could clean it.
However, you can simply disable restore points, wait for a couple of days (cache expires and get's wiped out), and then you'll be able to enable them again.

There isn't any issue with the cache, the problem is that they are still caching an old version of our code, which contains a bug.
As I said, you could ask the host to clean the cache or wait a couple of days.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

I never had similar problems and I doubt, this is the solution. I installed current Akeeba-Version at 22.11.2013. I think, cache must be cleaned in between.

Akeeba Staff
Ok, let me know if this get solved after cache cleaning.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Answer from hoster:
At this point of time, there are no active bytecode caches on your server. They only get activated, when asked by customer.

By the way: disabling the possibility to post any answers, is not a good way. You can't await, that all customers depend on your time. I understand, that you answer ony in a specific range of time and this is okay. But people all around the world pay for support and can not post any comments? That's not okay in my opinion.

Akeeba Staff
Hello Jürgen,

I am Nicholas, the owner of the company and the lead developer.

1. About code caches and why we can't work around them

Code caching is something installed on your server by your host to speed up PHP execution. When a code cache is not installed, the web server has to read every .php file from the disk, parse it, convert it to something called "bytecode" and then execute the bytecode. The code cache stores the bytecode in memory and proceeds to executing it directly, skipping the read from disk, parse and conversion steps.

As you understand, code caches are meant for situations where the code on disk never changes. This is simply not the case with a CMS like Joomla!. Ever time you update Joomla!, or one of its extensions, save its Global Configuration or install a new extension (module, plugin, component, template, library, package, language etc) the code (.php files) on disk change. Unless you reset the code cache, your server executes the old code.

2. About your issue

The main advice we give to our users is to disable the "System - System Restore Points " plugin. If you do that and then click again on Extensions, Extension Manager you will no longer see the info box about Akeeba Backup at the top of the page*. If this plugin is disabled you can no longer have the issue you are reporting. So this is what you have to do.

* Speaking of the info box, it does tell you to disable the "System - System Restore Points " plugin should you have any problems.

3. About closing the support ticket system

You have to understand that we are humans. Humans need some rest. I am sure that you cannot work 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Neither can we. We have to take time off during weekends and public holidays. I hope you can respect that.

As to why you can't file new tickets or replies on weekends and public holidays it has to do with volume and the quality of support. We have tried leaving the ticket system turned on during the weekends. The end result was dozens of tickets and replies being filed that required two days to be replied to. At the same time more new tickets and replies would come in. Quite obviously I can't force my staff to work on weekends, so the extra load had to be absorbed by me. I had to work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week to keep up with development and support. At this point I had to choose between offering a bad quality of support or take some reasonable steps to regain sanity.

Many developers think that bad service is an acceptable alternative. I do not. On weekdays there are three of us working, two in Europe and one in the USA, allowing us to provide round the clock support. On weekends and bank holidays I chose to close the support ticket system and regain some sanity in my life, allowing me to be more productive. After all, the main reason you are paying me is for me to do all the R&D for new features in my products and Joomla!. If what you are looking for is canned replies in the spirit of "we are investigating your issue and we'll get back to you as soon as possible", only to receive a reply a week or a month later in the lines of "we could not reproduce this issue, ticket closed" there are plenty of developers offering it out there. I prefer our company to make a difference and offer real support. The only condition is that we get some time off to allow us to continue offering this level of service.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Hello Nicholas,

english is neither my native language, nor yours. So I don't know, wheter I interprete the sound of your words right. I think, you also can't be sure with my words. But at this point of time I fear, your shade is not what I am used to hear.

I wrote in my first post
it is not a big problem for me. But perhaps this information helps you to find and solve this problem.

I got pointed to another ticket, with a similiar problem. Result was, I shoud disable cache. Okay, cache can't be the problem, because the files are older than one month and my hoster confirmed, no bytecode cache ist active.

Still no problem for me. I wanted you to have this information to help you to solve this issue. For me, this restore-point-function is really fine, but not essentially. I repeat: no problem for me. But I never heard from any other developer: "If it not works, simply deactivate." I am really wondering about this.

In between I wrote:
Your support is great, I do not want to be unkind.
But now you hold a preaching to me, that it is not okay to demand 24h - support. I never asked for this. I never said, your service or product is bad. I never required immediately answering. In my opinion it is not okay to close support system. If you have too many support requests, you'd perhaps to enlarge your team.

I do not pay for new features, that may appear in future. I pay for support. But in this case I not even asked for support. I gave you a hint, because I wanted to help. Now, I feel like publickly kicked in my backside.

My site is a self-help-hompeage for patients of BurnOut-Syndrome. I spend many hours per day at this site and help many peaple a day - for free: no commercials, no fees, since many years. When I read your statement, I fear, you really have too much stress. But you should not take it out on me or other people.

There is still the danger of misunderstading, so I repeat: this "bug" is no problem for me, but you explenations do not work on my case, because there are no caches active on my server. I never wanted to make anybody worse, but to show me the way out with words like

If what you are looking for is canned replies in the spirit of "we are investigating your issue and we'll get back to you as soon as possible", only to receive a reply a week or a month later in the lines of "we could not reproduce this issue, ticket closed" there are plenty of developers offering it out there.

sounds not good for me.


Akeeba Staff
In the first reply of the ticket you were pointed at, Dale writes:

"You are on the right track, disabling the System - System Restore Points plugin is the correct answer. For some reason, you are not successfully disabling the plugin.

Go to Extensions, Plug-in Manager, type "restore" in the filter field and Search. Only one plugin should be listed. Click on the green check mark in the Status column and it should turn into a red circle. That should do it."

I understood that you didn't get it, probably because of English being a second language to you, so in my previous reply, point #2, I wrote:

"The main advice we give to our users is to disable the "System - System Restore Points " plugin. If you do that and then click again on Extensions, Extension Manager you will no longer see the info box about Akeeba Backup at the top of the page*. If this plugin is disabled you can no longer have the issue you are reporting. So this is what you have to do."

Please follow our advice which has nothing to do with code cache.

For what is worth, Davide was misled into believing that you did disable the plugin, that's why he even mentioned the code cache. As for me, in point #1 of my previous reply I explained what the code cache is because you insinuated that we don't know how to write software if it doesn't work on systems with a code cache which is simply as far away from the truth as it could possibly be.

Regarding the issue and your conjecture that the proposed solution is unacceptable, this solution was only meant as a temporary measure. The issue you spotted is a known bug in Akeeba Backup 3.9.0 and 3.9.1. It was fixed in our code on December 8th, 2013 with commit fcd3c4469427995dcadae6413b3a73f2e84c2d1a authored by yours truly. Proof: A new release was not published because, as you said yourself, the system restore points feature is of a low priority. Should you like to test the fix yourself we do have installable dev releases. I didn't offer this option to you as I saw that you became frustrated and didn't want you to accuse us of making you an unwitting beta tester. Other clients were told to use said dev release and we have ultimately confirmed its validity. The new, fixed version will be released over Christmas.

I did explain why the support ticket system remains closed in certain occasions, in a professional and courteous manner. I don't appreciate being told off in return so I'm going to refrain from any further interaction with you about it.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Your explanations makes clear, that you and your team missunderstood me. Thank you for showing me this. My second sentence was:
After deactivating the restore-point-plugin, the update worked well.
Make your own decision.

First, I wrote a long and angry answer. But I think, all this is a problem of different languages. We both tried to explain things in english and we both are no native speakers. This provokes missunderstandings.

I think, we should end this topic. We spend a lot of time here for a topic, that is already solved. I appologize, if I have expressed myself wrong. But I think, it should be possible to criticize a fact, without being told, that there are other teams outside, where I can go to.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to use some smilies. They can help to understand the writers emotions.

I really wish you a marry Chritsmas hand a happy new year.

Akeeba Staff
Sorry, I completely missed the part about you disabling the restore point plugin. I apologise for this.

I agree, trying to communicate in a language other than our native language is always a source of miscommunication. On top of that, it's different social norms in different countries. I have seen that too many times in the past and that's why I have put the "Please keep in mind our timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies" in our signatures.

The funny thing with smilies are that some people like the way they convey emotion, others consider them unprofessional. Go figure :)

Also thank you for the clarification of what you meant in the last paragraph of your previous reply. You misunderstood me. I didn't tell you to go somewhere else if you don't like our approach. What I meant is this: there are many companies out there, each one with different core values and approaches to the same problem. We offer a specific approach. If you are looking for the opposite approach I am not willing to do that. I chose to put support quality over reply speed in this company. The core value I cherish is "quality". I guess my phrasing was rather inadequate to convey that message. Sorry about it.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

For me, it is a real good feeling to have all this cleared. It was so confusing, how all this could happen. I am glad, we finally made it together.

Best wishes and thank you for your help

Support Information

Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

Support policy: We would like to kindly inform you that when using our support you have already agreed to the Support Policy which is part of our Terms of Service. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us help you!