Have I read the related troubleshooter articles above before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Have I searched the tickets before posting? Yes until my eyes blurred
Have I read the documentation before posting (which pages?)? Yes also until it dazzled :)
Joomla! version: 2.5.14
PHP version: THAT's the whole problem .... (godaddy)
MySQL version: (unknown)
Host: (optional, but it helps us help you)
Akeeba Backup version: 3.8.2 pro
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Please attach a ZIP file containing your Akeeba Backup log file in order for us to help you with any backup or restoration issue. If the file is over 2Mb, please upload it on your server and post a link to it.
Description of my issue:
I am afraid i made a huge mistake by getting a godaddy hosting account ..... I have read a lot about what you have to say about them ,,,, (uucchchhh) The specific problem I am having with them is that my cron-job gets triggered allright but throws me back the message on an outdated version of PHP. As per your instructions I contacted support with the following message :
i have a joomla site installed which uses akeebabackup for backups. the component is able to use cron jobs to get triggered regularly. however it appears that the cron job runs on a server with an outdated PHP 5.2.17 while it needs more up to date and more secure version 5.3.1>
Can you provide me with the path to PHP 5.3.1. CLI binary?
on which i got the following reply:
Thank you for contacting GoDaddy Support.
In regard to the cron server's PHP configuration for the relativerotationgraphs.com hosting account, the cron server is associated with the version of PHP in use for the hosting account. Currently, we have confirmed the hosting account is configured to use PHP 5.3 and, as such, the associated cron would also use PHP 5.3.
At this time, we have successfully tested the hosting account's cron configuration and a cron_test.txt file has been left within the hosting account's root directory for you to review. Separately, we have uploaded a phpinfo.php to the hosting account root directory verify PHP 5.3.24 is in use and have created a custom cron with the Hosting Control Center Cron Manager to have the results of the phpinfo.php file sent once at 5 AM, Arizona Standard Time, on 24 October 2013. The email address applied within the Cron Manager is the corresponding email address from which we received your email.
Please let us know if we may assist you further in the interim.
Suzi D.
Professional Hosting Services
From reading your material I take it they are missing point 2 of your error-mail...??
There is also another component on my site that needs cron to run and is causing failures (easy-discuss) the guys there are trying to troubleshoot for 2 days already but to no avail...
Do you see/know of any fixes, workarounds or do i have to accept that the money i spent on go-daddy is simply a waste ad it is better for me to accept it as being flushed down the toilet and move to another hosting company ? I assume you will recommend me to siteground.com ?
regards, Julius