
Akeeba Backup for Joomla!

#17680 Un profilo lanciato in modalità command line da un risultato diverso rispetto al backup now

Posted in ‘Akeeba Backup for Joomla! 4 & 5’
This is a public ticket

Everybody will be able to see its contents. Do not include usernames, passwords or any other sensitive information.

Environment Information

Joomla! version
PHP version
Akeeba Backup version

Latest post by user77503 on Wednesday, 02 October 2013 13:03 CDT

Ciao Davide,
ho un problema molto curioso o meglio ho un profilo schedulato con un cron job che nn funziona molto più; o meglio se effettuo lo stesso profilo con il backup now ottengo un risultato diverso.

Prima funzionava tutto perfettamente (c'è stato un aggiornamento dell'estensione?) solo che adesso lo stesso profilo mi da una vista illegibile per il mio applicativo

Guarda lo screen shot allegato due file generati in un intervallo di tempo piccolo hanno dimensioni diverse (con suffisso DL generati tramite backup now mentre CL con il cron job)

Se al mio applicativo do in pasto una vista del db generata conn backup now funziona tutto alla perfezione mentre con il cron job no!

cosa posso fare?

prima di scriverti ho fatto un sacco di prove empiriche e sembra che il problema sia questo o meglio io sono arrivato a questa conclusione

Akeeba Staff

giusto per essere sicuri, intendi una "view" del database, giusto?
All'interno della configurazione del profilo di backup, nella sezione relativa al database, la voce Nessun rilevamento dipendenze è spuntata?
Potresti allegare il log dei due backup?

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Confermo per una view del database.
Ti allego i log odierni sia del command line che del backend
Il programmatore che gestisce la parte del gestionale mi ha detto che la causa potrebbe essere un carattere sporco (carattere cinese) di un spammer che si è registrato ma è una sua ipotesi.

Io vedo soltanto che command line il gestionale non funziona mentre con il backend si!

la voce "Nessun rilevamento dipendenze" ma soprattutto come la trovo scritta in inglese?

Ciao fammi sapere

ps è arrivato oggi un aggiornamento .... potrebbe risolvere il nostro problema?

DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|*** Batching successive steps (nesting level 1)
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|====== Starting Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|AECoreDomainInit :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|----- Finished operation 1 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:05|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Akeeba Backup 3.8.1 (2013-09-10)
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Got backup?
INFO |130930 17:00:05|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:00:05|--- System Information ---
INFO |130930 17:00:05|PHP Version :5.3.13
INFO |130930 17:00:05|PHP OS :Linux
INFO |130930 17:00:05|PHP SAPI :cli
INFO |130930 17:00:05|OS Version :Linux
INFO |130930 17:00:05|DB Version :5.1.59-log
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Web Server :n/a
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Joomla! version :2.5.14
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Safe mode :
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Display errors :
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Error display :off
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Disabled functions :virtual, popen, pclose, putenv, dl, exec, shell_exec, system, passthru, proc_open, proc_terminate, proc_get_status, proc_close, pfsockopen, pcntl_exec, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, escapeshellcmd, escapeshellarg, ini_alter, show_source, ignore_user_abort, set_time_limit
INFO |130930 17:00:05|open_basedir restr.:
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Max. exec. time :0
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Memory limit :64M
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Current mem. usage :6499464
INFO |130930 17:00:05|GZIP Compression : available (good)
INFO |130930 17:00:05|JPATH_BASE :<root>
INFO |130930 17:00:05|JPATH_SITE :<root>
INFO |130930 17:00:05|JPATH_ROOT :<root>
INFO |130930 17:00:05|JPATH_CACHE :<root>/cache
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Computed root :<root>
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Output directory :<root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup
INFO |130930 17:00:05|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Akeeba Backup has detected the following potential problems:
INFO |130930 17:00:05|- 203 Default output directory in use (low)
INFO |130930 17:00:05|You probably do not have to worry about them, but you should be aware of them.
INFO |130930 17:00:05|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:00:05|Loaded profile #2
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|Archive template name: PE_EDITION
WARNING |130930 17:00:05|PHP WARNING on line 190 in file <root>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:05|mysqli_ping(): Couldn't fetch mysqli
WARNING |130930 17:00:05|PHP WARNING on line 532 in file <root>/libraries/joomla/session/session.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:05|session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at <root>/cli/akeeba-backup.php:297)
WARNING |130930 17:00:05|PHP WARNING on line 532 in file <root>/libraries/joomla/session/session.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:05|session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at <root>/cli/akeeba-backup.php:297)
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|Expanded template name: PE_EDITION
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|Backup type is now set to 'dbonly'
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|----- Finished operation 2 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|----- Finished operation 3 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainInit
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|Kettenrad :: Domain 'init' has finished.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|====== Finished Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:05|Sleeping for 1699.3370056152 msec, using usleep()
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|
WARNING |130930 17:00:07|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:07|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|====== Starting Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|AECoreDomainDb :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|AECoreDomainDb :: Preparing instance
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|Fetching filter data from database
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|Loading filters
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Regexdirectories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Regextabledata
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Modules
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Plugins
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Extradirs
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Extensionfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Regexskipdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Regextables
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Extensiondirs
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Languages
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Components
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Regexskipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Regexfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Multidb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Templates
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Files
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Directories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Incremental
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Srpfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Srpdata
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Tables
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Tabledata
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Srpdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Skipdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Srpskipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Skipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter Srpskipdata
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformLibraries
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformFiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformFolders
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformSitedb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformTabledata
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformSkipdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:00:07|-- Loading filter PlatformSystemcachefiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|-- Loading filter PlatformSiteroot
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|-- Loading filter PlatformSkipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|Loading optional filters
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|-- Loading optional filter StackPlatformFinder
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AECoreDomainDb :: Adding only main database
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|----- Finished operation 1 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AECoreDomainDb :: Iterating next database
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AEDumpNative :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AEDumpNative :: Processing parameters
WARNING |130930 17:00:08|PHP WARNING on line 170 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:08|mysqli_ping(): Couldn't fetch mysqli
WARNING |130930 17:00:08|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:08|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AEDumpNative :: Instanciating new native database dump engine AEDumpNativeMysql
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AEDumpNativeMysql :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AEAbstractDump :: Processing parameters
DEBUG |130930 17:00:08|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Finding tables to include in the backup set
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_K6_TREEVIEW (internal name #__K6_TREEVIEW)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_ak_profiles (internal name #__ak_profiles)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_ak_stats (internal name #__ak_stats)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_ak_storage (internal name #__ak_storage)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_assets (internal name #__assets)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_associations (internal name #__associations)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_banner_clients (internal name #__banner_clients)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_banner_tracks (internal name #__banner_tracks)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_banners (internal name #__banners)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_categories (internal name #__categories)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_contact_details (internal name #__contact_details)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_content (internal name #__content)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_content_frontpage (internal name #__content_frontpage)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_content_rating (internal name #__content_rating)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_core_log_searches (internal name #__core_log_searches)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_datasafe_pro (internal name #__datasafe_pro)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_extensions (internal name #__extensions)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_filters (internal name #__finder_filters)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links (internal name #__finder_links)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms0 (internal name #__finder_links_terms0)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms1 (internal name #__finder_links_terms1)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms2 (internal name #__finder_links_terms2)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms3 (internal name #__finder_links_terms3)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms4 (internal name #__finder_links_terms4)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms5 (internal name #__finder_links_terms5)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms6 (internal name #__finder_links_terms6)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms7 (internal name #__finder_links_terms7)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms8 (internal name #__finder_links_terms8)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms9 (internal name #__finder_links_terms9)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsa (internal name #__finder_links_termsa)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsb (internal name #__finder_links_termsb)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsc (internal name #__finder_links_termsc)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsd (internal name #__finder_links_termsd)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termse (internal name #__finder_links_termse)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsf (internal name #__finder_links_termsf)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_taxonomy (internal name #__finder_taxonomy)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_taxonomy_map (internal name #__finder_taxonomy_map)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_terms (internal name #__finder_terms)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_terms_common (internal name #__finder_terms_common)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_tokens (internal name #__finder_tokens)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_tokens_aggregate (internal name #__finder_tokens_aggregate)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_types (internal name #__finder_types)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_fpss_categories (internal name #__fpss_categories)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_fpss_slides (internal name #__fpss_slides)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jev_defaults (internal name #__jev_defaults)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jev_users (internal name #__jev_users)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_categories (internal name #__jevents_categories)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_exception (internal name #__jevents_exception)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_icsfile (internal name #__jevents_icsfile)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_repbyday (internal name #__jevents_repbyday)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_repetition (internal name #__jevents_repetition)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_rrule (internal name #__jevents_rrule)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_vevdetail (internal name #__jevents_vevdetail)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_vevent (internal name #__jevents_vevent)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_joat_accounts (internal name #__joat_accounts)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_joat_postmanager (internal name #__joat_postmanager)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_joat_settings (internal name #__joat_settings)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_attachments (internal name #__k2_attachments)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_categories (internal name #__k2_categories)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_comments (internal name #__k2_comments)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_extra_fields (internal name #__k2_extra_fields)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_extra_fields_groups (internal name #__k2_extra_fields_groups)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_items (internal name #__k2_items)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_rating (internal name #__k2_rating)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_tags (internal name #__k2_tags)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_tags_xref (internal name #__k2_tags_xref)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_user_groups (internal name #__k2_user_groups)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_users (internal name #__k2_users)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k6_banners_used (internal name #__k6_banners_used)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k6_user_treview (internal name #__k6_user_treview)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_languages (internal name #__languages)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_menu (internal name #__menu)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_menu_types (internal name #__menu_types)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_messages (internal name #__messages)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_messages_cfg (internal name #__messages_cfg)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_modules (internal name #__modules)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_modules_menu (internal name #__modules_menu)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_newsfeeds (internal name #__newsfeeds)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_oneclickaction_actions (internal name #__oneclickaction_actions)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_overrider (internal name #__overrider)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_redirect_links (internal name #__redirect_links)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_schemas (internal name #__schemas)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_session (internal name #__session)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_template_styles (internal name #__template_styles)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_update_categories (internal name #__update_categories)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_update_sites (internal name #__update_sites)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_update_sites_extensions (internal name #__update_sites_extensions)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_updates (internal name #__updates)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_user_notes (internal name #__user_notes)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_user_profiles (internal name #__user_profiles)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_user_usergroup_map (internal name #__user_usergroup_map)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_usergroups (internal name #__usergroups)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_users (internal name #__users)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_viewlevels (internal name #__viewlevels)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_weblinks (internal name #__weblinks)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_wf_profiles (internal name #__wf_profiles)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_xmap_items (internal name #__xmap_items)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_xmap_sitemap (internal name #__xmap_sitemap)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_youtubegallery (internal name #__youtubegallery)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_youtubegallery_categories (internal name #__youtubegallery_categories)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_youtubegallery_videos (internal name #__youtubegallery_videos)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_banners_used (internal name pe_banners_used)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_category (internal name pe_user_category)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_channel (internal name pe_user_channel)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_creaEvents (internal name pe_user_creaEvents)
INFO |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_creaPromozioni (internal name pe_user_creaPromozioni)
DEBUG |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Starting CREATE TABLE and dependency scanning
DEBUG |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Got database connection
DEBUG |130930 17:00:09|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Got SHOW TABLES
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Got table list
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Processed dependencies
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AEAbstractDump :: Getting temporary file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AEAbstractDump :: Temporary file is <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/11764623.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AkeebaDomainDBBackup :: SQL temp file is <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/11764623.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AkeebaDomainDBBackup :: SQL file location in archive is <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AkeebaDomainDBBackup :: Deleting leftover files, if any
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|AEAbstractDump :: Initializing algorithm for first run
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 2 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__ak_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__ak_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 3 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__ak_stats
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__ak_stats
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 4 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__ak_storage
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__ak_storage
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 5 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__assets
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__assets
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 6 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__associations
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__associations
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 7 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Rows on #__banner_clients : 35
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Writing data dump preamble for #__banner_clients
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Beginning dump of #__banner_clients
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__banner_clients
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Writing data dump epilogue for #__banner_clients
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 8 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__banner_tracks
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__banner_tracks
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 9 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Rows on #__banners : 42
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Writing data dump preamble for #__banners
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Beginning dump of #__banners
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__banners
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Writing data dump epilogue for #__banners
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 10 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Rows on #__categories : 50
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Writing data dump preamble for #__categories
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Beginning dump of #__categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Writing data dump epilogue for #__categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 11 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__contact_details
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__contact_details
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 12 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__content
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__content
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 13 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__content_frontpage
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__content_frontpage
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 14 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__content_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__content_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 15 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__core_log_searches
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__core_log_searches
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 16 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__datasafe_pro
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__datasafe_pro
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 17 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 18 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_filters
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_filters
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 19 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 20 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 21 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms1
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms1
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 22 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms2
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms2
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 23 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms3
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms3
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 24 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms4
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms4
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 25 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms5
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms5
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 26 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms6
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms6
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 27 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms7
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms7
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 28 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms8
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms8
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 29 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms9
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms9
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 30 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsa
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsa
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 31 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 32 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsc
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsc
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 33 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsd
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsd
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 34 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termse
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_termse
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 35 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsf
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsf
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 36 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_taxonomy
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_taxonomy
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 37 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_taxonomy_map
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_taxonomy_map
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 38 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_terms
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_terms
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 39 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_terms_common
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_terms_common
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 40 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_tokens
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_tokens
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 41 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_tokens_aggregate
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_tokens_aggregate
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 42 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:10|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_types
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|Done dumping #__finder_types
DEBUG |130930 17:00:10|----- Finished operation 43 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__fpss_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__fpss_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 44 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__fpss_slides
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__fpss_slides
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 45 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jev_defaults
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jev_defaults
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 46 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jev_users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jev_users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 47 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 48 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_exception
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_exception
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 49 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_icsfile
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_icsfile
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 50 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_repbyday
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_repbyday
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 51 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Rows on #__jevents_repetition : 594
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing data dump preamble for #__jevents_repetition
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Beginning dump of #__jevents_repetition
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing 133858 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_repetition
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing data dump epilogue for #__jevents_repetition
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 52 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_rrule
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_rrule
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 53 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Rows on #__jevents_vevdetail : 483
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing data dump preamble for #__jevents_vevdetail
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Beginning dump of #__jevents_vevdetail
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing 132923 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing 184734 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Done dumping #__jevents_vevdetail
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing data dump epilogue for #__jevents_vevdetail
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|----- Finished operation 54 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Rows on #__jevents_vevent : 483
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing data dump preamble for #__jevents_vevent
INFO |130930 17:00:11|Beginning dump of #__jevents_vevent
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing 260968 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:11|Writing 261039 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__jevents_vevent
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump epilogue for #__jevents_vevent
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 55 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Rows on #__joat_accounts : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump preamble for #__joat_accounts
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__joat_accounts
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump epilogue for #__joat_accounts
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 56 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Rows on #__joat_postmanager : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump preamble for #__joat_postmanager
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__joat_postmanager
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump epilogue for #__joat_postmanager
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 57 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Rows on #__joat_settings : 2
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump preamble for #__joat_settings
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Beginning dump of #__joat_settings
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__joat_settings
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump epilogue for #__joat_settings
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 58 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_attachments
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__k2_attachments
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 59 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Rows on #__k2_categories : 347
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_categories
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Beginning dump of #__k2_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 227942 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 256275 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 256223 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 261755 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 260653 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__k2_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 60 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_comments
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__k2_comments
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 61 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_extra_fields
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__k2_extra_fields
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 62 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_extra_fields_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Done dumping #__k2_extra_fields_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|----- Finished operation 63 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Rows on #__k2_items : 15736
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_items
INFO |130930 17:00:12|Beginning dump of #__k2_items
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 135653 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 258073 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 255236 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 256015 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 250636 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 224869 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 256549 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 258886 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 255835 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 256189 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:12|Writing 255126 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 258985 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 254331 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 256412 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 259554 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 249107 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 257313 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 261964 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 257395 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 220236 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|----- Finished operation 64 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 257957 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 254822 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 255585 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 258713 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 260071 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 260804 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:13|Writing 212746 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 256265 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 258009 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 254517 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 259290 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 259065 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 257290 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 255592 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 258042 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 255135 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 257392 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 251921 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 147439 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|----- Finished operation 65 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:14|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #2000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 256701 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 258033 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 187855 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 255050 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:14|Writing 258276 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 255986 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 249321 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 255543 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 258922 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 254002 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 253800 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259692 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 251026 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259803 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 253240 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 257523 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259320 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 173139 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|----- Finished operation 66 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:15|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #3000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 255905 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 252661 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259405 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 256690 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259525 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259282 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 258507 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 261224 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 257169 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 252794 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 255313 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 257580 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 259384 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 257212 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 258771 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 257879 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 254674 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|Writing 183520 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:15|----- Finished operation 67 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:15|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #4000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 258244 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 256110 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 258642 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 254349 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 256778 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 254797 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 255783 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 255362 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 259280 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 256913 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 260800 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 259037 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 255201 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 258615 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 255991 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 256975 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:16|Writing 259175 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|----- Finished operation 68 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:17|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #5000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 144076 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 256031 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 256524 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 257485 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 256459 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Breaking dump of #__k2_items after 287 rows; will continue on next step
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|----- Finished operation 69 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainDb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Kettenrad :: More work required in domain 'PackDB'
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|====== Finished Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|No need to sleep; execution time: 10501.377105713 msec; min. exec. time: 0 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|
WARNING |130930 17:00:17|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:17|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|====== Starting Step number 2 ======
INFO |130930 17:00:17|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #5287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 257955 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 255908 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:17|Writing 258198 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 257743 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 257299 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 259234 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 254669 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 256431 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 260552 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 260529 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 253675 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 258532 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 257693 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 254226 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 261229 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 250914 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 258626 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 189567 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|----- Finished operation 1 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:18|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #6287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 258721 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:18|Writing 259887 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 259531 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 257056 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 252470 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 257835 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 257021 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 251009 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 256762 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 254040 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 260812 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 258639 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 258967 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:19|Writing 257345 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 254735 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 257931 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|----- Finished operation 2 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:20|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #7287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 215894 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 257542 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 260200 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 248976 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 161592 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 174846 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 183448 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 252608 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 259416 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 256228 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 256904 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 254552 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 259264 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 258508 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:20|Writing 255015 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 256488 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 256406 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 256180 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 255968 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|----- Finished operation 3 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:21|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #8287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 209223 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 257407 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 220279 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 257703 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 257665 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 258628 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 255295 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 258767 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 259232 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 260244 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 257182 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 257068 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:21|Writing 258712 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 257070 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 258903 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 256686 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 254868 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|----- Finished operation 4 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:22|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #9287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 155258 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 257863 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 259567 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 259438 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 256833 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 252507 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:22|Writing 256194 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 254717 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 258904 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 251056 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 254719 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 257241 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 256028 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 255740 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 254619 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 237365 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 252492 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|----- Finished operation 5 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:23|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #10287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 171043 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 246599 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 252725 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 257913 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 252790 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 259063 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:23|Writing 260426 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 258777 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 256817 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 259319 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 254946 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 258878 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 252132 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 256589 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 257318 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 257799 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 257040 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 145179 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|----- Finished operation 6 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:24|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #11287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 253712 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 260220 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 256966 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 253471 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 256417 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 258104 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 258741 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 253993 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 251965 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 256008 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 257734 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 256900 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 253978 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 257926 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:24|Writing 258401 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 253533 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 234804 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|----- Finished operation 7 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:25|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #12287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 259105 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 251735 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 252884 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 246038 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 257966 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 255818 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 240807 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 254591 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 254598 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 258357 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 257382 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 258334 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 252361 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 250248 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 252521 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 255845 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 256786 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|Writing 170783 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:25|----- Finished operation 8 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:25|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #13287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 255213 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 257958 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 257703 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 259025 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 255135 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 259636 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 259338 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 255808 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 256671 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 255089 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 259470 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 259024 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 260301 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 258879 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 258486 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 257799 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 153534 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|----- Finished operation 9 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:26|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #14287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 255965 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 256701 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 254339 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 257105 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 258289 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:26|Writing 261463 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 261508 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 257379 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 258982 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 250612 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 257872 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 258088 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 257417 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 258063 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 258147 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 255451 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 225968 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 10 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #15287
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 257896 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 256990 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 260181 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 257533 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 258402 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 259056 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 256654 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 209524 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Done dumping #__k2_items
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_items
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 11 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Done dumping #__k2_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 12 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_tags
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Done dumping #__k2_tags
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 13 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Rows on #__k2_tags_xref : 65702
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_tags_xref
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Beginning dump of #__k2_tags_xref
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 14 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 15 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #2000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 16 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #3000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 17 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #4000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 18 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #5000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 152951 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 19 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #6000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 20 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #7000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 21 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #8000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 22 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #9000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 23 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #10000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|Writing 131126 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 24 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #11000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 25 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:27|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #12000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:27|----- Finished operation 26 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #13000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 27 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #14000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 28 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #15000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Writing 131073 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 29 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #16000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 30 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #17000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 31 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #18000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Breaking dump of #__k2_tags_xref after 1 rows; will continue on next step
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 32 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainDb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Kettenrad :: More work required in domain 'PackDB'
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|====== Finished Step number 2 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|No need to sleep; execution time: 10501.664876938 msec; min. exec. time: 0 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|
WARNING |130930 17:00:28|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:28|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|====== Starting Step number 3 ======
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #18001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 1 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #19001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 2 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #20001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 3 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #21001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Writing 157287 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 4 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #22001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 5 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #23001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 6 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #24001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 7 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #25001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 8 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #26001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Writing 131387 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 9 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #27001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 10 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #28001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 11 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #29001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 12 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #30001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 13 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #31001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|Writing 131432 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:28|----- Finished operation 14 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:28|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #32001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 15 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #33001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 16 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #34001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 17 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #35001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 18 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #36001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|Writing 131479 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 19 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #37001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 20 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #38001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 21 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #39001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 22 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:29|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #40001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:29|----- Finished operation 23 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #41001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|Writing 136183 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 24 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #42001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 25 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #43001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 26 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #44001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 27 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #45001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 28 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #46001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|Writing 141514 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 29 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #47001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:30|----- Finished operation 30 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:30|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #48001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 31 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #49001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 32 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #50001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 33 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #51001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|Writing 141677 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 34 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #52001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 35 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #53001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 36 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #54001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 37 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #55001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 38 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #56001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|Writing 141984 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 39 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #57001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 40 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #58001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 41 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #59001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:31|----- Finished operation 42 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:31|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #60001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 43 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #61001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 141882 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 44 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #62001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 45 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #63001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 46 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #64001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 47 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #65001
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__k2_tags_xref
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_tags_xref
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 48 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_user_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__k2_user_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 49 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__k2_users : 382
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_users
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__k2_users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 149926 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__k2_users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 50 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__k6_banners_used : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__k6_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__k6_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k6_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 51 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__k6_user_treview : 1421
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__k6_user_treview
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__k6_user_treview
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 52 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__k6_user_treview from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__k6_user_treview
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k6_user_treview
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 53 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__languages
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__languages
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 54 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__menu : 1019
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__menu
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__menu
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 170052 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 259697 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 259197 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 259520 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 260891 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 260280 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 219108 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 55 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__menu from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__menu
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__menu
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 56 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__menu_types
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__menu_types
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 57 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__messages
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__messages
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 58 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__messages_cfg
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__messages_cfg
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 59 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__modules : 253
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__modules
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__modules
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 143822 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 259238 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__modules
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__modules
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 60 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__modules_menu : 658
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__modules_menu
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__modules_menu
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__modules_menu
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__modules_menu
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 61 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__newsfeeds
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__newsfeeds
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 62 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__oneclickaction_actions : 304
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__oneclickaction_actions
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__oneclickaction_actions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing 131284 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__oneclickaction_actions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__oneclickaction_actions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 63 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__overrider
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__overrider
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 64 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__redirect_links
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__redirect_links
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 65 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__schemas
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__schemas
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 66 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__session
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__session
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 67 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__template_styles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__template_styles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 68 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__update_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__update_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 69 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__update_sites
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__update_sites
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 70 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__update_sites_extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__update_sites_extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 71 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__updates
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__updates
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 72 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__user_notes
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__user_notes
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 73 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__user_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__user_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 74 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__user_usergroup_map : 1209
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__user_usergroup_map
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__user_usergroup_map
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 75 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Continuing dump of #__user_usergroup_map from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__user_usergroup_map
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump epilogue for #__user_usergroup_map
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 76 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Skipping dumping data of #__usergroups
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Done dumping #__usergroups
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|----- Finished operation 77 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Rows on #__users : 390
DEBUG |130930 17:00:32|Writing data dump preamble for #__users
INFO |130930 17:00:32|Beginning dump of #__users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing 155696 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump epilogue for #__users
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 78 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__K6_TREEVIEW
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__K6_TREEVIEW
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 79 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__viewlevels
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__viewlevels
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 80 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__weblinks
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__weblinks
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 81 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__wf_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__wf_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 82 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__xmap_items
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__xmap_items
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 83 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__xmap_sitemap
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__xmap_sitemap
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 84 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__youtubegallery
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__youtubegallery
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 85 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__youtubegallery_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__youtubegallery_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 86 ------
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Skipping dumping data of #__youtubegallery_videos
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping #__youtubegallery_videos
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 87 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Rows on pe_banners_used : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump preamble for pe_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping pe_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 88 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Rows on pe_user_category : 1
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_category
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Beginning dump of pe_user_category
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping pe_user_category
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_category
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 89 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Rows on pe_user_channel : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_channel
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping pe_user_channel
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_channel
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 90 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Rows on pe_user_creaEvents : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_creaEvents
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping pe_user_creaEvents
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_creaEvents
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 91 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Rows on pe_user_creaPromozioni : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_creaPromozioni
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Done dumping pe_user_creaPromozioni
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_creaPromozioni
INFO |130930 17:00:33|End of database detected; flushing the dump buffers...
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Writing 16517 bytes to the dump file
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Database has been successfully dumped to SQL file(s)
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 92 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Adding any extra SQL statements imposed by the filters
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Closing SQL dump file.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Moving the SQL dump to its final location
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Removing temporary file of final SQL dump
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|-- Removing temporary file 11764623.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainDb :: No more databases left to iterate
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 93 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainDb :: Skipping databases.ini
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 94 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainDb
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Kettenrad :: Domain 'PackDB' has finished.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|====== Finished Step number 3 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|No need to sleep; execution time: 4917.4771308899 msec; min. exec. time: 0 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|====== Starting Step number 4 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Finalization action queue: remove_temp_files, update_statistics, update_filesizes, run_post_processing, apply_quotas, apply_remote_quotas, mail_administrators
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 1 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method remove_temp_files
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Removing temporary files
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method update_statistics
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Updating statistics
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Removing any old records with PE_EDITION.sql filename
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|39 records found
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method update_filesizes
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Updating statistics with file sizes
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Total size of backup archive (in bytes): 76332234
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method run_post_processing
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Loading post-processing engine object (none)
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Initializing post-processing engine
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|1 files to process found
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Beginning post processing file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Finished post-processing file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Not removing processed file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
INFO |130930 17:00:33|Post-processing has finished for all files
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method apply_quotas
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method apply_remote_quotas
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method mail_administrators
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Preparing to send e-mail to administrators
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Using pre-defined list of emails
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Creating email subject and body
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Sending email to [email protected]
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|-- Fetching mailer object
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|-- Joomla!'s mailer is using mail mail method.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|-- Creating email message
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|-- Sending message
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|-- Email sent
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 2 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|----- Finished operation 3 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainFinalization
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Kettenrad :: Domain 'finale' has finished.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|====== Finished Step number 4 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|No need to sleep; execution time: 114.07685279846 msec; min. exec. time: 0 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|====== Starting Step number 5 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Kettenrad :: No more domains to process
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|No need to sleep; execution time: 1.5180110931396 msec; min. exec. time: 0 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|PHP WARNING on line 349 in file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/akeeba/drivers/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|mysqli_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Kettenrad :: Just finished
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|No need to sleep; execution time: 0.92315673828125 msec; min. exec. time: 0 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|PHP WARNING on line 141 in file <root>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|mysqli_close(): Couldn't fetch mysqli
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|PHP WARNING on line 190 in file <root>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:
WARNING |130930 17:00:33|mysqli_ping(): Couldn't fetch mysqli
DEBUG |130930 17:00:33|Closing SQL dump file.

DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|*** Batching successive steps (nesting level 1)
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|====== Starting Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|AECoreDomainInit :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|----- Finished operation 1 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:56|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Akeeba Backup 3.8.1 (2013-09-10)
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Got backup?
INFO |130930 17:19:56|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:19:56|--- System Information ---
INFO |130930 17:19:56|PHP Version :5.3.13
INFO |130930 17:19:56|PHP OS :Linux
INFO |130930 17:19:56|PHP SAPI :cgi-fcgi
INFO |130930 17:19:56|OS Version :Linux
INFO |130930 17:19:56|DB Version :5.1.59-log
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Web Server :Apache/2
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Joomla! version :2.5.14
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Safe mode :
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Display errors :
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Error display :off
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Disabled functions :virtual, popen, pclose, putenv, dl, exec, shell_exec, system, passthru, proc_open, proc_terminate, proc_get_status, proc_close, pfsockopen, pcntl_exec, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, escapeshellcmd, escapeshellarg, ini_alter, show_source, ignore_user_abort, set_time_limit
INFO |130930 17:19:56|open_basedir restr.:
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Max. exec. time :30
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Memory limit :96M
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Current mem. usage :15783968
INFO |130930 17:19:56|GZIP Compression : available (good)
INFO |130930 17:19:56|JPATH_BASE :<root>/administrator
INFO |130930 17:19:56|JPATH_SITE :<root>
INFO |130930 17:19:56|JPATH_ROOT :<root>
INFO |130930 17:19:56|JPATH_CACHE :<root>/cache
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Computed root :<root>
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Output directory :<root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup
INFO |130930 17:19:56|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Akeeba Backup has detected the following potential problems:
INFO |130930 17:19:56|- 203 Default output directory in use (low)
INFO |130930 17:19:56|You probably do not have to worry about them, but you should be aware of them.
INFO |130930 17:19:56|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO |130930 17:19:56|Loaded profile #2
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|Archive template name: PE_EDITION
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|Expanded template name: PE_EDITION
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|Backup type is now set to 'dbonly'
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|----- Finished operation 2 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|----- Finished operation 3 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainInit
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|Kettenrad :: Domain 'init' has finished.
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|====== Finished Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:19:56|Sleeping for 1924.299955368 msec, using usleep()
DEBUG |130930 17:19:58|Saving Kettenrad instance backend
DEBUG |130930 17:19:58|
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59| -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|====== Starting Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AECoreDomainDb :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AECoreDomainDb :: Preparing instance
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Fetching filter data from database
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Loading filters
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Regexdirectories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Regextabledata
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Modules
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Plugins
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Extradirs
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Extensionfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Regexskipdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Regextables
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Extensiondirs
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Languages
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Components
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Regexskipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Regexfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Multidb
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Templates
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Files
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Directories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Incremental
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Srpfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Srpdata
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Tables
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Tabledata
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Srpdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Skipdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Srpskipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Skipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter Srpskipdata
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformLibraries
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformFiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformFolders
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformSitedb
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformTabledata
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformSkipdirs
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformSystemcachefiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformSiteroot
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading filter PlatformSkipfiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Loading optional filters
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|-- Loading optional filter StackPlatformFinder
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AECoreDomainDb :: Adding only main database
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 1 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AECoreDomainDb :: Iterating next database
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNative :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNative :: Processing parameters
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNative :: Instanciating new native database dump engine AEDumpNativeMysql
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: New instance
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEAbstractDump :: Processing parameters
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Finding tables to include in the backup set
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_K6_TREEVIEW (internal name #__K6_TREEVIEW)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_ak_profiles (internal name #__ak_profiles)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_ak_stats (internal name #__ak_stats)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_ak_storage (internal name #__ak_storage)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_assets (internal name #__assets)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_associations (internal name #__associations)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_banner_clients (internal name #__banner_clients)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_banner_tracks (internal name #__banner_tracks)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_banners (internal name #__banners)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_categories (internal name #__categories)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_contact_details (internal name #__contact_details)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_content (internal name #__content)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_content_frontpage (internal name #__content_frontpage)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_content_rating (internal name #__content_rating)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_core_log_searches (internal name #__core_log_searches)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_datasafe_pro (internal name #__datasafe_pro)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_extensions (internal name #__extensions)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_filters (internal name #__finder_filters)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links (internal name #__finder_links)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms0 (internal name #__finder_links_terms0)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms1 (internal name #__finder_links_terms1)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms2 (internal name #__finder_links_terms2)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms3 (internal name #__finder_links_terms3)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms4 (internal name #__finder_links_terms4)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms5 (internal name #__finder_links_terms5)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms6 (internal name #__finder_links_terms6)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms7 (internal name #__finder_links_terms7)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms8 (internal name #__finder_links_terms8)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_terms9 (internal name #__finder_links_terms9)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsa (internal name #__finder_links_termsa)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsb (internal name #__finder_links_termsb)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsc (internal name #__finder_links_termsc)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsd (internal name #__finder_links_termsd)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termse (internal name #__finder_links_termse)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_links_termsf (internal name #__finder_links_termsf)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_taxonomy (internal name #__finder_taxonomy)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_taxonomy_map (internal name #__finder_taxonomy_map)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_terms (internal name #__finder_terms)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_terms_common (internal name #__finder_terms_common)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_tokens (internal name #__finder_tokens)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_tokens_aggregate (internal name #__finder_tokens_aggregate)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_finder_types (internal name #__finder_types)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_fpss_categories (internal name #__fpss_categories)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_fpss_slides (internal name #__fpss_slides)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jev_defaults (internal name #__jev_defaults)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jev_users (internal name #__jev_users)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_categories (internal name #__jevents_categories)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_exception (internal name #__jevents_exception)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_icsfile (internal name #__jevents_icsfile)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_repbyday (internal name #__jevents_repbyday)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_repetition (internal name #__jevents_repetition)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_rrule (internal name #__jevents_rrule)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_vevdetail (internal name #__jevents_vevdetail)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_jevents_vevent (internal name #__jevents_vevent)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_joat_accounts (internal name #__joat_accounts)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_joat_postmanager (internal name #__joat_postmanager)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_joat_settings (internal name #__joat_settings)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_attachments (internal name #__k2_attachments)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_categories (internal name #__k2_categories)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_comments (internal name #__k2_comments)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_extra_fields (internal name #__k2_extra_fields)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_extra_fields_groups (internal name #__k2_extra_fields_groups)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_items (internal name #__k2_items)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_rating (internal name #__k2_rating)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_tags (internal name #__k2_tags)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_tags_xref (internal name #__k2_tags_xref)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_user_groups (internal name #__k2_user_groups)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k2_users (internal name #__k2_users)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k6_banners_used (internal name #__k6_banners_used)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_k6_user_treview (internal name #__k6_user_treview)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_languages (internal name #__languages)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_menu (internal name #__menu)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_menu_types (internal name #__menu_types)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_messages (internal name #__messages)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_messages_cfg (internal name #__messages_cfg)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_modules (internal name #__modules)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_modules_menu (internal name #__modules_menu)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_newsfeeds (internal name #__newsfeeds)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_oneclickaction_actions (internal name #__oneclickaction_actions)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_overrider (internal name #__overrider)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_redirect_links (internal name #__redirect_links)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_schemas (internal name #__schemas)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_session (internal name #__session)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_template_styles (internal name #__template_styles)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_update_categories (internal name #__update_categories)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_update_sites (internal name #__update_sites)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_update_sites_extensions (internal name #__update_sites_extensions)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_updates (internal name #__updates)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_user_notes (internal name #__user_notes)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_user_profiles (internal name #__user_profiles)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_user_usergroup_map (internal name #__user_usergroup_map)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_usergroups (internal name #__usergroups)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_users (internal name #__users)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_viewlevels (internal name #__viewlevels)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_weblinks (internal name #__weblinks)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_wf_profiles (internal name #__wf_profiles)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_xmap_items (internal name #__xmap_items)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_xmap_sitemap (internal name #__xmap_sitemap)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_youtubegallery (internal name #__youtubegallery)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_youtubegallery_categories (internal name #__youtubegallery_categories)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding kafr1_youtubegallery_videos (internal name #__youtubegallery_videos)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_banners_used (internal name pe_banners_used)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_category (internal name pe_user_category)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_channel (internal name pe_user_channel)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_creaEvents (internal name pe_user_creaEvents)
INFO |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Adding pe_user_creaPromozioni (internal name pe_user_creaPromozioni)
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Starting CREATE TABLE and dependency scanning
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Got database connection
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Got SHOW TABLES
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Got table list
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEDumpNativeMysql :: Processed dependencies
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEAbstractDump :: Getting temporary file
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEAbstractDump :: Temporary file is <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/ad62bc39.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AkeebaDomainDBBackup :: SQL temp file is <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/ad62bc39.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AkeebaDomainDBBackup :: SQL file location in archive is <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AkeebaDomainDBBackup :: Deleting leftover files, if any
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|AEAbstractDump :: Initializing algorithm for first run
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 2 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__ak_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__ak_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 3 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__ak_stats
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__ak_stats
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 4 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__ak_storage
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__ak_storage
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 5 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__assets
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__assets
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 6 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__associations
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__associations
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 7 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Rows on #__banner_clients : 35
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump preamble for #__banner_clients
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Beginning dump of #__banner_clients
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__banner_clients
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump epilogue for #__banner_clients
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 8 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__banner_tracks
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__banner_tracks
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 9 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Rows on #__banners : 42
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump preamble for #__banners
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Beginning dump of #__banners
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__banners
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump epilogue for #__banners
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 10 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Rows on #__categories : 50
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump preamble for #__categories
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Beginning dump of #__categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump epilogue for #__categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 11 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__contact_details
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__contact_details
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 12 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__content
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__content
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 13 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__content_frontpage
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__content_frontpage
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 14 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__content_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__content_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 15 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__core_log_searches
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__core_log_searches
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 16 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__datasafe_pro
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__datasafe_pro
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 17 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 18 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_filters
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_filters
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 19 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 20 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms0
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms0
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 21 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms1
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms1
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 22 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms2
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms2
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 23 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms3
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms3
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 24 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms4
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms4
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 25 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms5
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms5
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 26 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms6
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms6
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 27 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms7
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms7
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 28 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms8
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms8
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 29 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_terms9
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_terms9
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 30 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsa
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsa
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 31 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsb
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsb
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 32 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsc
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsc
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 33 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsd
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsd
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 34 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termse
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_termse
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 35 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_links_termsf
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_links_termsf
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 36 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_taxonomy
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_taxonomy
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 37 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_taxonomy_map
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_taxonomy_map
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 38 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_terms
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_terms
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 39 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_terms_common
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_terms_common
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 40 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_tokens
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_tokens
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 41 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_tokens_aggregate
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_tokens_aggregate
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 42 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__finder_types
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__finder_types
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 43 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__fpss_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__fpss_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 44 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__fpss_slides
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__fpss_slides
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 45 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jev_defaults
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jev_defaults
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 46 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jev_users
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jev_users
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 47 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jevents_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 48 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_exception
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jevents_exception
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 49 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_icsfile
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jevents_icsfile
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 50 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_repbyday
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jevents_repbyday
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 51 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Rows on #__jevents_repetition : 594
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump preamble for #__jevents_repetition
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Beginning dump of #__jevents_repetition
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing 133862 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jevents_repetition
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump epilogue for #__jevents_repetition
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 52 ------
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Skipping dumping data of #__jevents_rrule
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Done dumping #__jevents_rrule
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|----- Finished operation 53 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Rows on #__jevents_vevdetail : 483
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing data dump preamble for #__jevents_vevdetail
INFO |130930 17:19:59|Beginning dump of #__jevents_vevdetail
DEBUG |130930 17:19:59|Writing 133514 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 185121 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__jevents_vevdetail
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump epilogue for #__jevents_vevdetail
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 54 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Rows on #__jevents_vevent : 483
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump preamble for #__jevents_vevent
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Beginning dump of #__jevents_vevent
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 131235 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 261178 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 227829 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__jevents_vevent
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump epilogue for #__jevents_vevent
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 55 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Rows on #__joat_accounts : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump preamble for #__joat_accounts
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__joat_accounts
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump epilogue for #__joat_accounts
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 56 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Rows on #__joat_postmanager : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump preamble for #__joat_postmanager
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__joat_postmanager
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump epilogue for #__joat_postmanager
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 57 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Rows on #__joat_settings : 2
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump preamble for #__joat_settings
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Beginning dump of #__joat_settings
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__joat_settings
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump epilogue for #__joat_settings
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 58 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_attachments
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__k2_attachments
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 59 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Rows on #__k2_categories : 347
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_categories
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Beginning dump of #__k2_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 258756 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256485 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 258967 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 261200 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 133604 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__k2_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 60 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_comments
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__k2_comments
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 61 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_extra_fields
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__k2_extra_fields
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 62 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_extra_fields_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Done dumping #__k2_extra_fields_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 63 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Rows on #__k2_items : 15737
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_items
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Beginning dump of #__k2_items
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 132745 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 255747 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 259351 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256596 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 251308 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 225144 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 257166 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 259855 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256751 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256941 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256073 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 255295 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 259496 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 257302 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 260237 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 249609 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 258047 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 254115 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 258679 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 229242 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 64 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 258766 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 255793 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256369 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 259559 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 260947 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 257394 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 217670 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256903 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 258866 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 255278 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256695 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 259766 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 254052 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256495 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256916 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 256309 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 252037 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 252275 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|Writing 164030 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:00|----- Finished operation 65 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:00|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #2000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 257473 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 258711 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 188158 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256013 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 259040 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256616 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 250033 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256248 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 259685 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 254688 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 254409 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 260280 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 251793 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256164 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 258315 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 258435 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 257438 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 176348 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|----- Finished operation 66 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:01|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #3000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256755 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 253542 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 255382 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 251278 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256865 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 253073 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256573 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 260594 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256795 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 259187 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 261114 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 260598 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 258542 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 251862 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256122 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 261058 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256473 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 205602 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|----- Finished operation 67 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:01|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #4000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 259022 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256994 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 259434 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 255044 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 257595 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 255537 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 256592 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 255885 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 254628 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 257400 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 259801 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 257606 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:01|Writing 254587 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 259005 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 255923 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 259109 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 259310 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|----- Finished operation 68 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:02|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #5000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 157504 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 256788 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 254188 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 257151 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 261500 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 258782 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 256665 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 258969 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 258491 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 257925 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 260011 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 255708 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 257219 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:02|Writing 258006 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 257744 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 255561 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 256986 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 228938 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|----- Finished operation 69 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:03|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #6000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 254737 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 258525 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 258134 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 255323 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 257200 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 258463 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 260145 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:03|Writing 255407 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 258898 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 251433 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 254587 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 256496 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 256949 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 255079 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 255371 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 261447 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 216099 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|----- Finished operation 70 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:04|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #7000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 254328 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 257759 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 257273 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 254280 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 259777 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 259093 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:04|Writing 258298 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 239928 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 161834 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 175107 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 184057 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 252917 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 260117 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 256988 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 257617 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 255129 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 260095 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 259162 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|----- Finished operation 71 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:05|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #8000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 216686 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 260193 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 255302 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 253202 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 260252 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 255581 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 255924 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 215652 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 258343 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 258314 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 259264 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 255924 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 259527 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 260002 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 257163 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:05|Writing 256522 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255909 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|----- Finished operation 72 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:06|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #9000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 201804 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 258709 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 261559 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 240112 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 261193 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 260351 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 258888 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 254218 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 260222 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 257431 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 254865 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 259784 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 260089 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255095 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 258371 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 259616 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 241778 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|----- Finished operation 73 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:06|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #10000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 232261 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 256417 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255383 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 238243 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 253145 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 256236 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 252962 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 260737 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 256576 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 256370 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 258479 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255614 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255687 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 256450 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 259608 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255816 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|Writing 255726 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:06|----- Finished operation 74 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:06|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #11000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 240638 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 260375 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 251512 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 260072 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 241654 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 254989 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258298 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258338 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 253572 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 253671 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 257120 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 259984 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 256824 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 255899 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258294 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 260934 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 253593 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|----- Finished operation 75 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:07|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #12000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 141390 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 261649 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 257822 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 250936 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 257787 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 257036 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 250314 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258391 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258220 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258816 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258998 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 259130 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 258655 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 257669 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 255528 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 251871 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 255021 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 259545 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|----- Finished operation 76 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:07|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #13000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 213856 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 254368 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 254221 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 259519 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 257906 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 254572 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 261660 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:07|Writing 260606 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 254011 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 255081 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 251517 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 254601 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 254974 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 259880 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 254085 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 258965 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 259144 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|----- Finished operation 77 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:08|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #14000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 221008 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 259729 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 255243 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 249791 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 256298 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 256861 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 252972 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 260158 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257813 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 255218 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 256614 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 245714 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 255196 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257359 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 260117 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 250156 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257399 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|----- Finished operation 78 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:08|Continuing dump of #__k2_items from record #15000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 228884 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 251705 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257351 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257936 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 254045 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 253124 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 259344 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257290 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 256791 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 256665 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 255625 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 257328 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing 258399 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Done dumping #__k2_items
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_items
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|----- Finished operation 79 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:08|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Done dumping #__k2_rating
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|----- Finished operation 80 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:08|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_tags
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Done dumping #__k2_tags
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|----- Finished operation 81 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Rows on #__k2_tags_xref : 65704
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_tags_xref
INFO |130930 17:20:08|Beginning dump of #__k2_tags_xref
DEBUG |130930 17:20:08|----- Finished operation 82 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:08|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Writing 136605 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 83 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #2000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 84 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #3000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 85 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #4000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 86 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #5000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 87 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #6000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 88 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #7000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Writing 155916 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 89 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #8000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 90 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #9000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 91 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #10000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 92 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #11000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 93 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:09|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #12000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Breaking dump of #__k2_tags_xref after 673 rows; will continue on next step
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|----- Finished operation 94 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainDb
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Kettenrad :: More work required in domain 'PackDB'
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|====== Finished Step number 1 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|No need to sleep; execution time: 10500.607013702 msec; min. exec. time: 2000 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Saving Kettenrad instance backend
DEBUG |130930 17:20:09|Closing SQL dump file.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10| -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|====== Starting Step number 2 ======
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #12673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|Writing 148621 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 1 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #13673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 2 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #14673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 3 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #15673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 4 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #16673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 5 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #17673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 6 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #18673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|Writing 157155 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:10|----- Finished operation 7 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:10|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #19673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 8 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #20673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 9 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #21673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 10 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #22673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 11 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #23673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|Writing 131250 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 12 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #24673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 13 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #25673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 14 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #26673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 15 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #27673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 16 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #28673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|Writing 131459 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 17 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #29673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:11|----- Finished operation 18 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:11|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #30673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 19 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #31673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 20 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #32673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 21 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #33673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|Writing 131466 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 22 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #34673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 23 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #35673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 24 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #36673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 25 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #37673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:12|----- Finished operation 26 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:12|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #38673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|Writing 133563 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|----- Finished operation 27 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #39673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|----- Finished operation 28 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #40673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|----- Finished operation 29 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #41673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|----- Finished operation 30 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #42673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|----- Finished operation 31 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #43673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|Writing 139368 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:13|----- Finished operation 32 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:13|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #44673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:14|----- Finished operation 33 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:14|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #45673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:14|----- Finished operation 34 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:14|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #46673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:14|----- Finished operation 35 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:14|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #47673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:14|----- Finished operation 36 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:14|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #48673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:14|Writing 141700 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:14|----- Finished operation 37 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:14|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #49673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:15|----- Finished operation 38 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:15|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #50673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:15|----- Finished operation 39 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:15|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #51673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:15|----- Finished operation 40 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:15|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #52673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|----- Finished operation 41 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:16|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #53673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|Writing 141738 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|----- Finished operation 42 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:16|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #54673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|----- Finished operation 43 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:16|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #55673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|----- Finished operation 44 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:16|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #56673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|----- Finished operation 45 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:16|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #57673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:16|----- Finished operation 46 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:16|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #58673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:17|Writing 142118 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:17|----- Finished operation 47 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:17|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #59673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:17|----- Finished operation 48 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:17|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #60673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:17|----- Finished operation 49 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:17|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #61673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:17|----- Finished operation 50 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:17|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #62673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 51 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #63673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing 141486 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 52 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #64673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 53 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Continuing dump of #__k2_tags_xref from record #65673
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Done dumping #__k2_tags_xref
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_tags_xref
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 54 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Skipping dumping data of #__k2_user_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Done dumping #__k2_user_groups
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 55 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Rows on #__k2_users : 382
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump preamble for #__k2_users
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Beginning dump of #__k2_users
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Done dumping #__k2_users
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k2_users
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 56 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Rows on #__k6_banners_used : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump preamble for #__k6_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Done dumping #__k6_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k6_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 57 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Rows on #__k6_user_treview : 1421
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump preamble for #__k6_user_treview
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Beginning dump of #__k6_user_treview
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 58 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Continuing dump of #__k6_user_treview from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Done dumping #__k6_user_treview
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump epilogue for #__k6_user_treview
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 59 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Skipping dumping data of #__languages
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Done dumping #__languages
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|----- Finished operation 60 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Rows on #__menu : 1019
DEBUG |130930 17:20:18|Writing data dump preamble for #__menu
INFO |130930 17:20:18|Beginning dump of #__menu
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 244556 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 259697 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 259197 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 259520 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 260891 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 260282 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 219120 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 61 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Continuing dump of #__menu from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__menu
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump epilogue for #__menu
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 62 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__menu_types
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__menu_types
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 63 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__messages
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__messages
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 64 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__messages_cfg
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__messages_cfg
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 65 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Rows on #__modules : 253
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump preamble for #__modules
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Beginning dump of #__modules
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 143822 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 259240 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__modules
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump epilogue for #__modules
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 66 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Rows on #__modules_menu : 658
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump preamble for #__modules_menu
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Beginning dump of #__modules_menu
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__modules_menu
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump epilogue for #__modules_menu
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 67 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__newsfeeds
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__newsfeeds
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 68 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Rows on #__oneclickaction_actions : 304
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump preamble for #__oneclickaction_actions
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Beginning dump of #__oneclickaction_actions
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing 131284 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__oneclickaction_actions
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump epilogue for #__oneclickaction_actions
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 69 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__overrider
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__overrider
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 70 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__redirect_links
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__redirect_links
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 71 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__schemas
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__schemas
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 72 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__session
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__session
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 73 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__template_styles
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__template_styles
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 74 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__update_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__update_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 75 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__update_sites
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__update_sites
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 76 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__update_sites_extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__update_sites_extensions
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 77 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__updates
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__updates
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 78 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__user_notes
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__user_notes
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 79 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Skipping dumping data of #__user_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Done dumping #__user_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|----- Finished operation 80 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Rows on #__user_usergroup_map : 1209
DEBUG |130930 17:20:19|Writing data dump preamble for #__user_usergroup_map
INFO |130930 17:20:19|Beginning dump of #__user_usergroup_map
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 81 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Continuing dump of #__user_usergroup_map from record #1000
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__user_usergroup_map
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for #__user_usergroup_map
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 82 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__usergroups
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__usergroups
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 83 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Rows on #__users : 390
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump preamble for #__users
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Beginning dump of #__users
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing 155715 bytes to the dump file
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__users
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for #__users
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 84 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__K6_TREEVIEW
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__K6_TREEVIEW
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 85 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__viewlevels
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__viewlevels
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 86 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__weblinks
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__weblinks
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 87 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__wf_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__wf_profiles
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 88 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__xmap_items
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__xmap_items
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 89 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__xmap_sitemap
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__xmap_sitemap
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 90 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__youtubegallery
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__youtubegallery
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 91 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__youtubegallery_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__youtubegallery_categories
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 92 ------
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Skipping dumping data of #__youtubegallery_videos
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping #__youtubegallery_videos
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 93 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Rows on pe_banners_used : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump preamble for pe_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping pe_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_banners_used
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 94 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Rows on pe_user_category : 1
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_category
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Beginning dump of pe_user_category
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping pe_user_category
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_category
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 95 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Rows on pe_user_channel : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_channel
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping pe_user_channel
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_channel
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 96 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Rows on pe_user_creaEvents : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_creaEvents
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping pe_user_creaEvents
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_creaEvents
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 97 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Rows on pe_user_creaPromozioni : 0
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump preamble for pe_user_creaPromozioni
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Done dumping pe_user_creaPromozioni
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing data dump epilogue for pe_user_creaPromozioni
INFO |130930 17:20:20|End of database detected; flushing the dump buffers...
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Writing 16517 bytes to the dump file
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Database has been successfully dumped to SQL file(s)
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 98 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Adding any extra SQL statements imposed by the filters
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Closing SQL dump file.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Moving the SQL dump to its final location
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Removing temporary file of final SQL dump
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|-- Removing temporary file ad62bc39.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainDb :: No more databases left to iterate
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 99 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainDb :: Skipping databases.ini
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 100 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainDb
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Kettenrad :: Domain 'PackDB' has finished.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|====== Finished Step number 2 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|No need to sleep; execution time: 10115.267038345 msec; min. exec. time: 2000 msec
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Saving Kettenrad instance backend
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Closing SQL dump file.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20| -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|====== Starting Step number 3 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Finalization action queue: remove_temp_files, update_statistics, update_filesizes, run_post_processing, apply_quotas, apply_remote_quotas, mail_administrators
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 1 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method remove_temp_files
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Removing temporary files
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method update_statistics
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Updating statistics
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Removing any old records with PE_EDITION.sql filename
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|39 records found
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method update_filesizes
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Updating statistics with file sizes
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Total size of backup archive (in bytes): 76539977
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method run_post_processing
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Loading post-processing engine object (none)
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Initializing post-processing engine
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|1 files to process found
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Beginning post processing file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Finished post-processing file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Not removing processed file <root>/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/PE_EDITION.sql
INFO |130930 17:20:20|Post-processing has finished for all files
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method apply_quotas
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method apply_remote_quotas
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|AECoreDomainFinalization::_run() Running built-in method mail_administrators
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 2 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|----- Finished operation 3 ------
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainFinalization
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Kettenrad :: Domain 'finale' has finished.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|====== Finished Step number 3 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:20|Sleeping for 1740.7929897308 msec, using usleep()
DEBUG |130930 17:20:22|Saving Kettenrad instance backend
DEBUG |130930 17:20:22|Closing SQL dump file.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:23| -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
DEBUG |130930 17:20:23|====== Starting Step number 4 ======
DEBUG |130930 17:20:23|Kettenrad :: No more domains to process
DEBUG |130930 17:20:23|*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:23|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:23|Sleeping for 1985.5389595032 msec, using usleep()
DEBUG |130930 17:20:25|Saving Kettenrad instance backend
DEBUG |130930 17:20:25|Closing SQL dump file.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:25| -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
DEBUG |130930 17:20:25|Kettenrad :: Just finished
DEBUG |130930 17:20:25|*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
DEBUG |130930 17:20:25|Sleeping for 1953.8559913635 msec, using usleep()
DEBUG |130930 17:20:27|Will not save a finished Kettenrad instance
DEBUG |130930 17:20:27|Closing SQL dump file.

Akeeba Staff
La prossima volta allega il log, invece di includerlo...
Così è abbastanza complicato da leggere :)

Comunque scarica la nuova versione ed esegui nuovamente il backup, è stato corretto il charset utilizzato, per cui potrebbe essere quello che dava errore con la vista.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Ciao Davide,

dopo aver aggiornato Ab ha rifunzionato tutto in automatico.

Sembra che fosse dovuto al bug.... aspetta un paio di gg per chiudere il ticket

come sempre molto gentile

a presto

Support Information

Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

Support policy: We would like to kindly inform you that when using our support you have already agreed to the Support Policy which is part of our Terms of Service. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us help you!