Joomla! version: 3.1.1
PHP version: 5.3.15
MySQL version: (Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.10, for osx10.7 (x86_64)
Host: Restore locally
Akeeba Backup version: Akeeba Backup Professional 3.7.7 (2013-05-11)
Restoration tried with kickstart 3.6 and 3.7
Backup taken on linux, restore on crappy osx.
Description of my issue:
Hello AkeebaBackup Team,
I'm having troubles restoring a backup that contains OSE Webmail client for Joomla. The error message is:
Could not open /Users/me/Sites/something/OSERoundCube/Install/test.php for writing.
I suppose the write permissions are ok because /Users/me/Sites/something/OSERoundCube has been created and contains files.
One thing I've recognized is that there's already a file (not a directory) named /Users/me/Sites/something/OSERoundCube/INSTALL so it seems like it can't create the directory .../Install/ - just a guess though.
Any ideas how to fix this? I.e. how to restore the backup locally?
Thanks for your support.