I found the following doc that explained the token questions so part of my question is resolved but I'm still working through the process with no success moving the items to the dropbox.
I am running Joomla 2.5.9. PHP is set to 5.3 and Akeeba Backup Pro 3.6.12
Now I say php 5.3 because my host provides this info to update from 5.2
When I applied this update a few months back I know longer got warnings from Akeeba that I needed to update my PHP to 5.3
my cron job email says
You are using PHP 5.2.17 (cli)
I'm not sure why it would say that.
Here is my cron job info (slightly edited for a public forum)
/usr/local/bin/php /home/hostusernameedited/public_html/cli/akeeba-backup.php --override="engine.postproc.dropbox.token=tokenedited" --override="engine.postproc.dropbox.token_secret=secretedited"
Anyway, the cron is working for the backups, I just can't get them moved to dropbox.
Thanks for your help,