It doesn't matter which format you send your associate, our kickstart program can extract either one. The jpa format is easier on your server, zip is more work to back up.
Your associate will need the backup archive. Note that your archive may be in multiple parts, jpa, j01, j02, etc. This is true of both the jpa and zip formats. All of the parts are required in order to extract the archive.
They will also need kickstart.php, available from our Download page. You will need to manually create a database and database user on their computer. The restore process normally does not have sufficient rights to create a database, only to restore data to an existing database. Put the backup archive and kickstart.php in the root of the server and visit localhost/kickstart.php and follow the on screen directions.
The movie version of this information can be found here:
Dale L. Brackin
Support Specialist
English: native
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