Screenshot is in the following link:
Screenshot on Google Drive
Background Info:
After upgrading PHP from 7.0.26 to 7.2 and then installing Akeeba BKP for WordPress Core 2.4.2 the following warning message gets triggered (reproducible every time) by logging into WordPress Backend as Admin role, going to Dashboard > Updates... (At this point, it really doesn't matter if there are updates to be had or not... for some reason simply checking for updates is what triggers this warning message.)
Here's the other part of the story. For what ever reason, after receiving this warning message and I carry on doing other admin tasks within the dashboard... an then return to the Plugins area... the warning message no longer appears. But performing the steps of checking for updates... always will make this message show.
There is a new version available, but it requires a newer version of PHP or WordPress than the one you have. As a result it will not be installed."
Obviously, there are a few things wrong with this message.
1> I have the most current version of Akeeba BKP for WP Core installed. There's nothing newer to be had after checking Akeeba's website.
2> I have the most current version of PHP and WP installed.