"Do note that enabling this feature will kill the functionality of some extensions which create arbitrarily named PHP files throughout your site, such as RokGZipper. In our humble opinion the security risk of having your site unprotected outweighs the benefits of such solutions by a dramatic factor. As a result, we strongly suggest disabling RokGZipper and other similar software using similarly questionable security practices."
Our site www.asafeworldforwomen.org is mainly built using a Rocket Theme Extension.
The site is constantly updated andbecause it is quite resource heavy we have had to look at ways to reduce the server-load.
One way I have worked to do this is following the guidance of YSLOW which regualrly refers to Gzipping files.
Because RokGzipper is included with RocketTheme templates I am using it and as a result noticing better load speed and YSLOW Results.
However I highly respect the Admin Tools component and the advice of the developer.
So I am a little stuck!
Can anyone advise an alternative to RokGZipper so I can follow the advice for setting the HTAccess in Admin Tools?