
Admin Tools

#41578 Emails will be sent whenever Admin Tools blocks a request / Warning / Change

Posted in ‘Admin Tools for Joomla! 4 & 5’
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Latest post by nicholas on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 15:14 CST


I have a question about the new nag warning "Emails will be sent whenever Admin Tools blocks a request."

We've left this enabled for years and have configured the "Do not send email notifications for these reasons" without issues.

i.e., we don't get flooded with emails but find the new notification intrusive as it appears everywhere, and the "hide message" only makes it go away until the next page loads.

We have left it enabled because some of the notifications we want include "Monitor Super User list," among others.

My understanding is that if we disable this email (blank it out), we don't get a critical notification, such as a new superuser being added (typically a compromise indicator).

This is just one example. There are other items on the list that we like to monitor.

Maybe we are misunderstanding, but if we hit the "Disable emails" button on the warning, it clears the "Email this address on blocked request," and thus, we won't get these notifications.

I'm going off the inline help shown in the attached image.

Is there a way to permanently disable the new warning for those of us who use this feature and configure it the way we want?

Akeeba Staff

My understanding is that if we disable this email (blank it out), we don't get a critical notification, such as a new superuser being added (typically a compromise indicator).

Correct, you are not going to receive an email, but the request has been blocked anyway. The idea is that you let Admin Tools handle security instead of constantly nannying your site. In this example, the whole point of the "Monitor Super User accounts" feature is to prevent a new Super User from being created outside of Joomla's Users page. This neutralizes the kind of critical vulnerability you have in mind and which we've seen (quite a few years ago, to be fair) in high profile components like VirtueMart and AcyMailing. Being notified that the Super User creation was blocked does not add anything to your security. You will still not know how this came to pass; you will only know that Admin Tools prevented this from happening, as configured. So, really, is there a point in the email? I doubt it.

However, there are other valid use cases where some emails are desirable, e.g. "Monitor Critical Files", "Monitor Global Configuration" etc. These don't block anything, they just email you. For these, you can enter an email in "Email this address on blocked request" and add all reasons you do NOT want to be notified about in "Do not send email notifications for these reasons". When you see the notification, click on "Hide this message".

It would probably make a lot more sense to have separate email addresses for features depending on whether they are blocking requests, or informative. The problem is that some features can be either. One way to handle that would be setting up a different email address per email type, which is probably how this is going to be implemented in the future.

Maybe we are misunderstanding, but if we hit the "Disable emails" button on the warning, it clears the "Email this address on blocked request," and thus, we won't get these notifications.

This is strange. The setting does persist, and your use case is why it exists, as I explained above.

If for any reason it appears to not save your preference (maybe Joomla's cache is not wanting to reset properly?), edit the System - Admin Tools plugin and set "Notice about the Email on Blocked Request" to No.

If you still see the message, you have a caching setup which is not working right. It could be either the Joomla cache not clearing properly, or having a CDN, caching system, or reverse proxy in front of your site. In the latter case, please make sure that the entire /administrator of your site is set up to never be cached by the CDN, caching system, or reverse proxy.

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


We have Cloudflare rules for bypassing all caching in the /administration area on our CF sites already.

Any time we hit "Hide this message," the page refreshes and the notification persists.

I've tried it on sites hosted on AWS servers, our servers, third-party hosting, and some without Cloudflare.

However, when I disabled the plugin or flushed the Joomla Cache with "Clean Cache," it finally cleared and stayed clear even after logging out and back in.

It seems like the problem is the Joomla system cache, which seems odd.

I'm not sure why that would be so persistent, especially on the administration side. It doesn't happen with the Post-installation Messages for Joomla CMS notices.

Akeeba Staff

This is really strange, indeed. When you click that button we do a request to the Admin Tools component which sets the option to the plugin's settings, and clears the Joomla plugins cache. Or, at least, it asks Joomla to clear the plugins cache.

Can you please tell me your caching options? I am interested in Progressive vs Conservative caching, and which cache handler you are using. These are the two options which have an effect on what Joomla does when you ask it to clear parts of the cache. Maybe there's a combination I've missed?

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


I've tested the cache clearing on three sites of the hundred or so we have to address.

All three are using the Joomla system page cache plugin, "ON—Conservative caching," and the handler "File."

Two have Platform Specific Caching "Yes," but one of them is set to No.

The Path to the Cache Folder is empty on all 3.

Cache Time is either from 1440 or 5040.

The system Page Cache plugin has "use Browser Caching" set to YES for all three.

All are on Joomla 4.4.10 and PHP 8.2.27.

One is on third-party hosting without a CDN, and the other two are on the same AWS servers behind Cloudflare.

Akeeba Staff

Thank you, this helps. It looks like the cache group that needs to be cleared was com_plugins, not just _system. I will add this change for the next release which will come pretty shortly.

I spent some time after closing time looking at the email situation. We have the following email types we send out (the mail template slug is in parentheses):

  • Troubleshooting email (com_admintools.troubleshooting)
  • Configuration Monitoring (com_admintools.configmonitor)
  • User re-activation (com_admintools.userreactivate)
  • Failed administrator login (com_admintools.adminloginfail)
  • Successful administrator login (com_admintools.adminloginsuccess)
  • Automatic IP blocking (com_admintools.ipautoban)
  • Critical file modified (com_admintools.criticalfiles)
  • Monitored file changed (com_admintools.criticalfiles_global)
  • Super Users added (com_admintools.superuserslist)
  • Rescue URL (com_admintools.rescueurl)
  • Blocked request (com_admintools.blockedrequest)
  • Lots of blocked requests (com_admintools.delugerequests)
  • PHP Exception (no template) 

The three crossed out items are sent to specific users based on runtime parameters, so they are irrelevant to what we were discussing.

Out of the ten remaining items, six already have a specific email recipient address configurable in the configuration:

  • Automatic IP blocking (com_admintools.ipautoban)
  • PHP Exception (no template)
  • Blocked request (com_admintools.blockedrequest)
  • Successful administrator login (com_admintools.adminloginsuccess)
  • Failed administrator login (com_admintools.adminloginfail)
  • Lots of blocked requests (com_admintools.delugerequests)

This leaves us with exactly four items which are currently dependent on the blocked request email address:

  • Configuration Monitoring (com_admintools.configmonitor)
  • Critical file modified (com_admintools.criticalfiles)
  • Monitored file changed (com_admintools.criticalfiles_global)
  • Super Users added (com_admintools.superuserslist)

I will add a configurable email recipient for each one of them. If it's left empty, it will reuse the blocked request email address as was the situation up until now. Otherwise, the specific email address you use will be used.

This will happen in the next version, allowing you to completely disable the blocked request emails without missing the email notifications for these features. All but the one you mentioned (super users added) do need to send an email to make sense. Thank you for prompting this investigation!

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

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Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

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