Hey Akeeba Team,
We are currently making our new website package that we use as boilerplate for all new sites that we build. For that we install a group of extensions that we always want on websites and obviously Akeeba extensions are among those.
But we have a slight issue on every single page the following message constantly pops up and there is no option to switch this off. "Admin Tools is not protecting your site yet. Please run the Quick Setup Wizard to configure Admin Tools on your site."
We don't want to run the Admin Tools Wizard on our development server, we want this to run when installed on our clients' domain. So during development every time we press save we get this (sorry) annoying message. Especially irritating when working with page builders as they take over the entire screen and then suddenly the message of Akeeba goes in front of some essential buttons and to keep pressing that x every time is also highly annoying.
Off course, we can write custom code to make it hidden, but wouldn't it be nice to simply have a switch in the configuration to disable it. Like we can disable the backup notifications from Akeeba Backup by disabling the plugin, but we can't find a plugin that does it for this notification or an option. Now we might be looking cross-eyed to all the options and missed it. If so please direct us to the option.
Thank you and have a great day!