I just install a test site in a sub-domain with its own public_html using your great infos on my post #35404.
It work perfectly triple Thank You on that....
Redirect ON, Clean Url and I use (as I always do) an htacces mafe with your Htacces Maker.
In the Htacces Maker you have the “Redirect www and non-www addresses” settings. Curiously, I’m not able to acces any other scrolling options than “Do not redirect” - No other choices available ?
Do I have to add the code to the htacces Maker custom code input or manually to the file ?
I have a set of rules that I use that take care of the www redirection and the 301 permanent redirect...
Maybe cause by the sub-domain situation, I’m not sure.
I dont think its really important just for testing anyway.....
Good Day Nicholas!