I am constantly being blocked and have to log in again and again with the rescue emails. My IP address was changed yesterday (due to a new modem), before that it didn't bother me and my IP address was displayed in admintools as **.***.**.** (don't know the last numeber) My new IP is **.***.**.** but in admintools it shows a long ip (probably a v6)
I don't understand this. Yesterday it also bothered me and showed this completely different long ip address like
Because I have already tried everything I read in the rescue e-mails I understand less and less how admintools works with the ban behaviour. Can you give a tip that I have not yet read or maybe better: look in my CMS. I can create a super administrator for the help. Maybe I'n doin' something stupido or it has something to do with the new modem / ip adress which seems to be dynamic?
when I look at different sites that generate my ip I see different ip's (
http://www.mijnip.nl/ shows **.***.***.**
https://www.watismijnip.be/ shows **.***.**.*** (another v4) and also the long ip (v6) with
Please help, thanks