After updating Joomla, there are occasional post-installation messages that are suggested to update .htaccess manually. The latest message from 3.9.21 to 3.9.22 was...
.htaccess Update Concerning Directory Listings
Since version 3.9.22
Before 3.9.22 the default htaccess.txt file contained erroneous code meant for disabling directory listings. The security team recommends to manually apply the necessary changes to any existing .htaccess file, as this file can not be updated automatically.
The old code:
<IfModule autoindex> IndexIgnore * </IfModule>
The new code:
<IfModule mod_autoindex.c> IndexIgnore * </IfModule>
I assumed the .htaccess Maker would take care of those things for me, even if it required waiting for the next AdminTool update for it to do so. Is that the case? Or do I need to be adding these things into .htaccess manually?