I'm looking to use Admin Tools features to solve a need on AcyMailing 6, let me recap:
--- AcyMailing 6 has the Insert Dynamic Text feature that by adding a {readonline}blabla{/readonline} tag transform it into a "view it online" link to add into the newsletters that are sent to the users
--- the created link is something like: https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/5-promesa-cumplida?userid=2-zlqQJFUg9oKdXi&tmpl=component
I have no knowledge on htaccess RewriteEngine, Please,
1 - Is there a way to always cut the &tmpl=component from URLs ?
2 - Is there a way to do it just when the URL is from the AcyMailing 6: https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/...
3 - Is there a way to hide the /component/acym/archive/ part like: https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/... > https://mysite.com/...
4 - And/Or Is there a way to replace the URLs with another like: https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/5-promesa-cumplida?userid=2-zlqQJFUg9oKdXi&tmpl=component > https://mysite.com/services/mailing/promesa-cumplida
5 - and to replace it with one URL for all the URLs users:
--- https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/5-promesa-cumplida?userid=2-zlqQJFUg9oKdXi&tmpl=component > https://mysite.com/services/mailing/promesa-cumplida
--- https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/5-promesa-cumplida?userid=3-zlqQJFUg9oKdXi&tmpl=component > https://mysite.com/services/mailing/promesa-cumplida
--- https://mysite.com/component/acym/archive/5-promesa-cumplida?userid=4-zlqQJFUg9oKdXi&tmpl=component > https://mysite.com/services/mailing/promesa-cumplida