I'm having back this Helix Ultimate header issue: https://www.joomshaper.com/forums/header-resizing-bug?start=0#reply-190096
For the JoomShaper team: "Please turn off the SSL CloudFlare. For the SSL, the resource doesn't load properly. That's why the template layout doesn't load. Please contact your SSL CloudFlare provider to unblock the resource. Without Template layout access, it's not possible to change the header issue fix."
But, as far as I know, as far as I know I'm running Let's Encrypt on server to provide me the most simple SSL Certificate domain based.
So, I'm also running Admin Tools with the .htaccess maker feature. So, I look for it into the Admin Tools documentation and some Helix Ultimate / Admin Tools issues and I found:
A - https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/admin-tools/server-protection.html#determine-required-exceptions = I set ".htaccess Maker > Allow direct access, including .php files, to these directories: templates/shaper_helixultimate"
B - #30973 – Helix template blocked by admin tools = I set "Web Application Firewall > Configure WAF > Cloaking tab > Allow site templates: Yes"
But with NO success.
So, I'm asking you, Please:
C - Is there any other Admin Tools setting I can check and test ?
D - Anyway, also if not related and considering your experience, Is it better to keep setted the A and B ?