I also read another one before this, but now can't find that number
My problem: Immediately after I uploaded the new Akeeba Admin Package (5.3.0), my screen went blank. The only way I could access the backend is by disabling it by renaming the main.php file to main-disable.php.
What I have done:
(1) Reinstalled it a second time, back to back (as suggested in the two tickets that said to do this). Result: Same thing happened the second time: blank screen.
So then...
(2) Deleted the following files, as per the instructions in #20114...
However, the instructions said to also delete these, but I could find no such folders:
plugins/com_admintools (no folder called com_admin tools directly under the plugin folder)
media/com_admintools (no folder called com_admin tools directly under the media folder)
After deleting the first two, and not being able to find the other two, I tried again to upload the update.
Result: Same blank screen.
Back to only being able to access the back end by disabling the main.php file.
Not only that, but now my website does not show up at all (i.e. blank page) unless I have the main.php disabled.