i.e. there are updates to install
so, run filescan to verify no unexpected changes since last updates applied
(if changes, investigate)
if no changes, apply component updates
apply core updates
run filescan
--many differences are of course now reported
Since the new code installed is core or vendor updates, I then just mark everything "Safe" to establish a new baseline. However, this is a more tedious process than perhaps it could be.
1. marking only applies to the displayed differences in the screen report; So many next/mark all's must be done
2. Selecting "all" for pages size and marking all usually ends up with the interface exiting back to the Joomla Control panel and have to start again
3. after everything is marked (takes several iterations and run reports) need to rerun a final report to create the new 0 diffs baseline.
I suggest a button to "Create new checksum baseline" that will do just that. And purge older checksum baselines.