Today I have received the following securiy exception email from AdminTools.
We would like to notify you that a security exception was detected on your site,, with the following details:
IP Address: dirname(JFactory::getConfig()->get(base64_decode(bG9nX3BhdGg))).base64_decode(L3RtcC9zZngucGhw));exit;";s:19:"cache_name_function";s:6:"assert";s:5:"cache";b:1;s:11:"cache_class";O:20:"JDatabaseDriverMysql":0:{}}i:1;s:4:"init";}}s:13:"\0\0\0connection";b:1;}ğııı (IP Lookup: IP Lookup)
Reason: MUA Shield
I have never seen this type of attacks on my site so far and there is no way to find attacker's IP address to block him. But I don't feel uncomfortable because AdminTool has blocked the attack twice successfully. I would be very grateful if you could give me some explanation about this type of attacks.
Best Regards