I have made recently a migration of a website from an old domain to a new one.
Tha's the way I did it in this order :
1/ Create an account with new domain (new-dom.com)
2/ Migrate website with Akeeba Backup
3/ Close old account with old domain (old-dom.com)
4/ Create in new-dom.com account, a parked domain for old-dom.com
5/ In AT htaccess Maker , param "Redirect this (old) domain name to the new one" with 'old-dom.com'
6/ In AT htaccess Maker , param "HSTS Header (for HTTPS-only sites)" on 'Yes'
And most of redirect works. Except one thing I don't know how to solve :
Old https://www.old-dom.com URL make an security error ...
If I simply enter http://www.old-dom.com, the URL is correctly redirected...
Any suggestion ?
Stephan Herby PAO Production New Caledonia - Canada - France