I realy have lot of pb with Admintools using.
1/ I had desinstall admintools (because I can't do a good configuration with Hikashop witch give me an "Paypal Invalid response"). After this desinstallation I have always the .htaccess.admintools file and a .htaccss file on my ftp.
2/Can I delete the .htaccess.admintools file? Is there any risq? Why is it still here after deleting Admintolls?
It seems that this file look like the classical Joomla .htaccess file?
3/To have all the details of my Admintools pbs : in last septembre (without change anything in the config) I had appear pb of Hikashop Paypal Invald response. I didn't find any best other solution than to desactivate Admintools and evrythings comes ok again.
Next week It was asking me to update Akeeba and Admintools (?). I made the update despite of Admintools desactivated. And it seems tha from this moment I have again the "Hikashop Invalid response".
Do you have any possibility to help me?