I need the same feature ask in this ticket
Having a button to apply the Default Permission (Not Saved)
You say
Since by definition a single file/folder can only have one set of permissions applied onto it it grows to reason that asking me to apply both permission sets makes zero sense. You either apply the custom permissions or the default permissions. Indeed, if there are no custom permissions set then the default permissions are applied. This is already documented.
I have a Joomla 3.6.2 that won't update (on a crappy environment) and end up in an internal server error each time I push the Update Joomla Button.
One of the possible Culprit are the permissions.
I ALWAYS use a custom relatively complex set of permissions to secure all my Joomla sites.
Saddly without the possibility of applying the default permission, I need to undo ALL my relatively complex set of permissions to be able to test an update under a “Normal” set of permissions and will have to redo again my custom set when update (if it’s the problem)
Having a button to “Apply” the Default Permission (Not Saved) will permit me to test a normal set of permission and revert easily to my custom set after testing.