An odd thing happen to a site I have been developing, in fact I was a bot to push it live. In preparation for doing that I backed up the site, then updated AdminTools to the latest version. A few minutes later I noticed that URL rewriting had stopped working. I turned that off all all the menus are working again, but the cross-referenced links are now broken.
I can't imagine why upgrading adminTools could cause this problem; likely just coincidental, but I am clueless as to what else may have happened. I installed iCaptcha. Turning it off did not seem to matter. I also added the Google Analytics code to the site, but would not expect that to cause any problems.
It has been years since I have run into a problem like this. I used adminTools to fix permissions. I have dumbed down the .htaccess file to the equivalent of the default Joomla .htaccess file by turning off all the adminTools security feature in the .htaccess configurator.
I am at a loss; looking for ideas. I cannot push this site live until I resolve the problem.