We have several sites running on a Siteground GoGeek account. Over the last months there have been several attacks in which certain ip's generated an excessive amount of http requests. This resulted in Sitegound automatically closing down access to our GoGeek account for one day as the maximum daily number of executions was exceeded. This makes all of our websites unaccessible to anyone. The last situation of this type was during last weekend.
Of course I'm talking to Siteground now, trying to find a different kind of solution with them. As I am a user of AdminTools I thought I'd also ask you at Akeeba if AdminTools can be helpful to solve this kind of situations.
The point is, if we would be fast enough to:
a) see that there is an unusual high activity;
b) find out which ip is generating this activity;
c) ban this ip,
then I think this problem would be solved. The ip even wouldn't need to be permanently banned, just long enough to stop the attack.
At present, Siteground is sending met a mail about unusual activity (a) and from that moment on, I have about one or two hours to take action before the account is being closed down. Last weekend, I was too late.
With the tools that I have at present with Siteground, I am not able to find out which ip address is causing this issue (b), as there is some delay in processing the data. This is solved however by the fact that the Siteground helpdesk have tools that can do the job and they respond very quickly, 24/7. So if I am in time to read the notice (a), then Siteground can perform step (b) for me.
When Siteground report me the ip(s) involved, I can ban them.
I think that it should be possible to automate a workflow like this - but I'm not an expert so I may be mistaken.
I'd like to hear your opinion on this, and expecially on any possibilities to use AdminTools to help solve this problem.
Kind regards, Frits