Same error.
I began a support ticket when the automatic Joomla update notification came about immediate new updates to both Akeeba Backup Pro and Admin Tools Pro. I installed them using the Joomla updater. Akeeba Backup Pro installed normally without the database warning. Admin Tools Pro appeared to update normally, too. When I opened Admin Tools Pro, however, the "Your Admin Tools installation is corrupt" error occurred again. So, I downloaded the version 3.8.1 package and installed it twice manually. The same error message appeared. Regarding the instructions in the error message:
1. I have downloaded and installed the updated package twice
2. I have never renamed a file in plugins/system/admintools
3. I ran the "Run files check" button with this result: Missing folders: public_html/media/com_admintools
That folder has never been in the public_html/media folder before. The folders that are there, and always have been, are: 'public_html/media/com_akeeba' and 'public_html/media/com_ars'.
Is this error message telling me to manually create a folder that has not been automatically created during installation and updating Admin Tools?
Don White