
Admin Tools

#24272 file doesn't exist

Posted in ‘Admin Tools for Joomla! 4 & 5’
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Latest post by nicholas on Tuesday, 26 January 2016 01:59 CST

I am forced to repost again this issue because your support closed my ticket without find any solution and replying to me assuming wrong conclusions.

In the precedent ticket ( you wrote:

"You ARE getting the error with the standard Joomla! .htaccess file.

[Mon Jan 2516:26:27 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:

As I recall, you switched the .htaccess file about 14:00."

What????? At 14:00????? I switched the htaccess at 16:30 and NO 14:00 as you say. Please look the time where i said to you that i switched the htaccess file (25 January 2016 09:30 CST) and add 7 hours more (because of the time zone).

Look at the time i opened again this post, HERE IN MY COUNTRY NOW IT'S 21:30 (no 14:30 like your system shows, so more 7 HOURS!!!).

Now you can close again this post but don't reply me assuming inexistent conclusions.

When and if Nicholas want reply to me maybe we can try to find a solution. I can accept that admintools or htaccess don't cause this issue but with right considerations.

And so you know now i replace again the htaccess with that created by admintools and i get again the error. Look

This is the latest error before i switched the htaccess file (at 16:30 MY TIME)
[Mon Jan 25 16:28:56 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/"

And after so many hours that i used my site without any errors i replace the htaccess file and here again:

[Mon Jan 25 21:04:06 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:"

So don't say it is not!

Akeeba Staff
As our support has already told you per my instructions you are receiving a 404 NOT FOUND error that has NOTHING TO DO with the .htaccess file. You are confusing 403 Forbidden with 404 Not Found and insisting that a clearly missing file has anything to do with our .htaccess. How is it possible that a .htaccess would go back in time and make a third party company (YooTheme) not put the bootstrap.css file in the yoo_revista theme shall forever remain a mystery to man and a particularly interesting candidate for an episode of The X-Files.

Please note that I AM NOT JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS as you so thoughtlessly accused us of! You have given us FTP credentials and our staff member Dale did log in to your site and did take a look at your site's file. As he wrote to you on Monday, 25 January 2016 16:47 EET:

The /templates/yoo_revista/media does not exist, that is why you are getting the error. You need to talk to Yoo about why you have a problem with the template.

At this point we should have closed your ticket because you are clearly asking for support about something unrelated to our software. We didn't close it which was apparently a big mistake because not only you didn't ask YooTheme for support for what is clearly a YooTheme issue but you also started attacking our support staff for not answering to you over the weekend when we're clearly closed as you can read at the bottom of every support page.

Then you started being provocative writing the following:

I know your working days so don't ask my ftp data access when you don't have time to fix it. I don't want leave my site with these data test for the entire weekend for security reason.

You are blatantly ignoring that 1. we logged in to your site WITHIN HOURS OF YOU GIVING US YOUR FTP CREDENTIALS and positively identifying the nature of your issue 2. we told you what you should do (ask YooTheme) and promptly ignored us.

Even then, Dale clearly told you AGAIN what is the nature of your issue:

Your "File does not exist" error is happening with the standard Joomla! .htaccess file too. It is not caused by Admin Tools. The latest error clearly is not caused by Yoo either. I have been watching the template folder and the media folder still is not there, almost an hour after you switched the .htaccess files.

The "latest error" being:

[Mon Jan 25 16:28:56 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:"

[Mon Jan 25 16:28:56 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/"

If you would stop being contentious for a minute you would have noticed that the missing favicon.ico HAPPENS ON EVERY SINGLE JOOMLA SITE OUT THERE because there is OF COURSE no favicon.ico file shipped by default with Joomla!. This has been the case since Joomla! 1.5. Yet, somehow, you want to tell us that this only happens because of our .htaccess file. Nevermind that this file has not been present in Joomla! since January 2007, more than THREE YEARS before Admin Tools 1.0 Beta 1 was released and more than TWO YEARS before I wrote the very first version of the .htaccess that would later be the basis of the .htaccess Maker. Again, I'm flattered by your belief that I have written software that can travel back in time and change THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE PACKAGES but this is completely silly.

Then you ask yet another idiotic question:

How do you know the errors still happening?

It's VERY simple. We're trying to access the URLs that throw the 404 Not Found errors (because the files do not bloody exist!), namely:

You will see that they cause a 404 Not Found error.

As to why these only started being logged (NOT "started happening" as you insist) it has to do with a change in Joomla! 3.3.0 and later. By default, Joomla! will catch all 404 Not Found errors and present its own error page. Because your template's error.php file is badly written (a fact we have let YooTheme know about three years ago and still have NOT fixed) it does NOT set the correct HTTP status code (404). Instead, it sets the HTTP status code to 200 (OK), therefore your browser does not log these errors.

The Admin Tools' generated .htaccess does not have a generic catch-all for all 404 errors. It will only catch specific file types (definitely not image files!) for security and performance reasons. You see, a 404 error handled by Apache takes about 2 msec to process whereas a 404 error handled by Joomla! takes over 2 seconds, 1000 times more time. Furthermore errors going through Joomla! are typically not logged by your server's error log because template developers don't know how to code a proper error.php file for their templates. These performance and security implications can bring your site down very easily, therefore we chose to provide a PROPER solution in our .htaccess. We have already told the same to the Joomla! project nearly two years ago, we were ignored, end of story.

That's all besides the point. I'm seeing that your tickets have been a constant waste of our time, yet we tried our best to help you in earnest. Despite that you have been overly contentious and stubborn, declining to follow our troubleshooting instructions and demand that we magically fix another developer's issues even when they have nothing to do with our software!!! When we decline to bug fix THIRD PARTY code NOT WRITTEN BY US you are attacking our support staff verbally. You have violated half of our Terms of Service by doing that.

At this point your account is on probation. All your tickets will be handled by me, with a delay according to my schedule. I will NOT help you with any issue unrelated to Admin Tools. And I WILL apply the Terms of Service to the letter if I see any more contentious behaviour on your part. We are here to help people, not to be abused! Be respectful.


Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos

Lead Developer and Director

🇬🇷Greek: native 🇬🇧English: excellent 🇫🇷French: basic • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Athens
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!

Support Information

Working hours: We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Cyprus timezone (EET / EEST). Support is provided by the same developers writing the software, all of which live in Europe. You can still file tickets outside of our working hours, but we cannot respond to them until we're back at the office.

Support policy: We would like to kindly inform you that when using our support you have already agreed to the Support Policy which is part of our Terms of Service. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us help you!