I still couldn't get the font awesome signs to show up. I looked with different browsers on different machines and still all I could get was a placeholder.
So, despite your assurances it was only a cache problem, I continued to look for a solution and finally what worked for me, was to replace the cross-origin section in the admintools htaccess maker with the following :
## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) -- See http://enable-cors.org/
# CORS-enabled images (@crossorigin)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Send CORS headers if browsers request them; enabled by default for images.
# developer.mozilla.org/en/CORS_Enabled_Image
# blog.chromium.org/2011/07/using-cross-domain-images-in-webgl-and.html
# hacks.mozilla.org/2011/11/using-cors-to-load-webgl-textures-from-cross-domain-images/
# wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Reviews/crossoriginAttribute
<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
# mod_headers, y u no match by Content-Type?!
<FilesMatch "\.(gif|png|jpe?g|svg|svgz|ico|webp)$">
SetEnvIf Origin ":" IS_CORS
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" env=IS_CORS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Webfont access
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Allow access from all domains for webfonts.
# Alternatively you could only whitelist your
# subdomains like "subdomain.example.com".
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css|css|js)$">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
And bingo! The problem went away. Maybe it's something worth building into admintools.
As always, I am grateful to you for brilliant components which I use on everything I build and your invaluable insights into many of the problems I've encountered. Passing this on, will hopefully contribute to your vast fund of Knowledge.