Starting on July 18 someone started trying to log-in to our site using IP address This is NOT us who owns the site. I know that number refers to LocalHost normally. We are on a VPS with HostGator but we had been badly hacked before getting Akeeba Admin Tools.
Is it possible a hacker is doing something through a back door?
And if so can I block without making the site inaccessible to me/us?
2014-07-18 01:34:23 Login Failure then 11 more times during that same day.
This was followed early the next day on the 19th by a series of 23 different IP’s attempting 4 to 8 simultaneous Admin Query Strings each resulting in well over 100 blocked attempts to access our admin area. That has finally stopped or taken a pause just today on the 20th and I have Black Listed every one of those IP’s just not as of yet.