Upgraded to Admin Tools Pro. On my localhost install - it's all good. Installed it on a personal site (different hosting company) All good.
Upgrading my live site, it still throws this odd Warning: uft8 to unicode error. The live site is using mySQL vs mySQLi on my localhost. Live site runs phpSuExec as a CGI. Yet everything seems to work properly! I've tried changing the database collation, repairing tables and checking (what I know) in phpAdmin. This drove me crazy moving work from my localhost to the live site and back again. (see#1)
Any clues would be greatly appreciated.
#2. Can you point me to a guide (for amateurs) explaining .htaccess commands that will NOT run under phpSuExec? -or- can the Admin Tools .htaccess commands simply be placed in the php.ini file to harden the joomla install. ;)