Have I read the related troubleshooter articles above before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Have I searched the tickets before posting? yes
Have I read the documentation before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Joomla! version: (1.5.26)
PHP version: (5.3.9)
MySQL version: (5.0.96)
Host: (own linux server)
Admin Tools version: (Admin Tools Professional 2.2.10)
Description of my issue:
Last night, we experienced a mighty slowdown on server sites, and after some troubleshooting, saw that one (joomla 1.5.26) site was getting hit hard & fast with attempted logins (to "GET /administrator/index.php) at over 6 per second.)
I believe our issue is the same as described this another ticket, but it's closed: #16249 – possible unclosed apache processes
Killing the account's processes had the instant effect of speeding all sites up, but it would only last a few seconds before being brought down by continued rapid fire attempts.
As per the ticket referenced above, does the option of 'removing the lines from .... plugins/system/admintools/admintools/pro.php around line 2342
.... apply to the AdminTools Pro 2.2.10 version from Joomla 1.5.x sites?
If not, what do you recommend we do to avoid this issue?
BTW: AdminTools absolutely ROCKS! ... Thanks for having developed it & and put so much love into it!