Mandatory information about my setup:
Have I read the related troubleshooter articles above before posting (which pages?)? No
Have I searched the tickets before posting? almost
Have I read the documentation before posting (opdating?)? yes
Joomla! version: (2.5.9)
PHP version: (5.3.21)
MySQL version: (3.5.5)
Host: (
Admin Tools version: (2.5.9)
Description of my issue:
I try to install GeoIP.dat, on my joomla 2.5.9 website to exclude some countries from spamming my website, I have downloaded GeoIP.dat.gz from Maxmind uncompressed the file, then I got the file GeoIP.dat
I uploaded the file to the administrator/components/com_ars/assets/geoip/GeoIP.dat
But when I'm accessing Geographical blockage in the Admin Tool Pro, it says that you do not have the required GeoIP.dat file (download the file gives me an error, do it manually you say)
I can only find your documentation on how to update the file, but not to install the file and get admin tool to read it - can you give me a hint on this nicholas many thanks and regards
Ulric from denmark