Joomla! version:2.5.8
PHP version: 5.3,5.2,4.4
MySQL version: 5
Host: localhost
Admin Tools version: last
maxexectime 45
Description of my issue:
i try to make a cronjob for filescanner with serverpath, my serverlog says it happens:
xxx - - [02/Feb/2013:21:50:01 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1783 "-" "Alfahosting GmbH - Cronservice"
but there appears no log in admintools of it
i try 2 path:
1)usr/local/bin/php /var/www/wxxxx/html/joomla/cli/admintools-filescanner.php
both appears in serverlogfile, i also try over url, that also appears there, but not in admintoolslog-
I need cronjob-scans because a lot of my sites were under attack and i want to know if my repairs close the hole and dayly log in all sites isn't most efficient.
Are there tools for admintools-cronjobs which spare logins?