As I have already posted all my details, I will only refer to Ticket "#13968 – Secret URL Parameter not working" here.
Description of my issue:
I have a client using Admin Tools, and the members of his organisation are all around the globe, so we really would benefit of the secret URL Parameter. Unfortunately AdminTool is redirecting whether or not one uses the url parameter
I was told to deactivate all potential redirects. I have a test domain with a copy of the client's website on which I did the following:
- no rewrite and no SEF URL's
- no htaccess activated
- deleted sessions table
-> and then tested with my mobile phone as this has another IP and has not yet visited the site (no cache or blacklist problems)
Unfortunately I get the same result. Is there anything else I might have overseen?
Thanks for any help,
--- byteKultur.net