Have I read the related troubleshooter articles above before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Have I searched the tickets before posting? Yes
Have I read the documentation before posting (which pages?)? Yes
Joomla! version: (2.5.6)
PHP version: (5.2.4)
MySQL version: (5.0.96)
Host: (optional, but it helps us help you)
Admin Tools version: (2.2.9)
Description of my issue:
Using the link in the notification-email for the new version 2.2.10 my website opened and had to logon manually (I thought that in former relaeses it went atomatically).
Then used the icon in AT 'there is a new version' and the installation went wrong (No XML file).
I searched in the tmpfile via FTP and found out that the owner of the downloaded file was the server in stead of ftp-user.
I removed this zip and tried to install 2.2.10 as extension (not removing the old one) and got error 'Can not open archive-file'. This zip has as owner the ftp-user.
Then I unzipped the 2.2.10 file to the tmp-dir (actually I made a subdir called AT) and tried to install via that way. The result a restorepoint via AKbackup; followed by a not-html-screen showing that the installation succeeded; BUT trying to come back to my backend I saw that the installation didn't work.
I face this problem on all my websites that are now Joomla 2.5.6.
I hope you can help me.
Met vriendelijke groet, kind regards, Floris Langendam