Security question unrelated to technical details – provider related issue.
Hi Nicholas,
I have my site in 2 different languages and host them with providers in different countries. After installing the AdminTools firewall on the second server, I could not log in via phpmyadmin – got blocked out – even though this was never an issue with the first provider.
Hotline told me that my .httaccess file was causing the problem (= the AdminTools firewall) and commented out following commands:
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (.php)$
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !(/index[23]?.php)$
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
#RewriteRule (.*.php)$ - [F]
And the issue was solved – at least what concerns the provider...
I found out that the first provider keeps the phpmyadmin folder outside the public_html folder (good old cpan interface). The second provider keeps the folder inside. I asked, but I can't change this, that's how their system was configured.
My question: how dangerous is it to leave the .htaccess file without these 4 commands?
Should I delete the comments and put them back temporarily only when I need to access the databases? (Not that often). It would be a bit of a pain, but better safe than sorry.