
Admin Tools for WordPress

#37970 Can't log in to wp-admin

Posted in ‘Admin Tools for WordPress’
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Environment Information

WordPress version
PHP version
Admin Tools version

Latest post by tampe125 on Monday, 07 November 2022 02:16 CST



Recently I have installed Admin Tools on this WordPress website. It worked fine for me, but since a couple of days I can't login to my site anymore.

I can reach the login form, but after log in I'm redirected to the site's homepage.

What can I do? 

Akeeba Staff


I have an hunch on what's going on, but can you please confirm it for me?

First of all let's manually disable Admin Tools as described here:

Do not unblock your IP otherwise you'll delete the records, but instead get inside the Blocked Requests Log and check for your IP. What was the reason for the block?

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Thanks, it worked for one website. The reason I was blocked was "admin-ip whitelist"? 
I used the same download code for another website, this one is still blocked - unless I rename the main.php. I'll try by configuring a new downloadcode.

Akeeba Staff

This means that you enabled the IP WhiteList feature, usually this happens when you run the Quickstart page, since it enabled it by default.

Please get inside the WAF configuration page and in the first tab disable the option "Allow administrator access only to IPs in Whitelist", more info here:

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!


Thanks, so I acted as you suggested. Unfortunately I keep getting problems. I killed Akeeba on the other website, just for this reason. However, I think I want to keep it on my main website. At the start I filled in the DownloadnID. It keeps saying I should fill in this download ID. It is filled in. So I did it again, same error. I cannot update the plugin.

When I do update WordPress Akeeba is making a back-up first, even without me doing anything else than press the button 'update to WordPress 6.1'. It only did ask to use the configuration wizard. But then it also says only use this wizard once, so I didn/t use it again.

So it seems Akeeba is working. Why can't I update the plugin then?

I appreciate any help.

Akeeba Staff

mhm... as you describe it, it seems there's something interfering.

Can I connect to your site to run some tests?

I have made this ticket private so that only you and me can see the information posted here.

Please provide me with the following information:

  1. The URL to your site's administrator login page
  2. Administrator username and password (Network Administrator for WordPress Multisite installations)
  3. FTP connection information

Please allow up to one business day (GMT+2 timezone) for me to log in to your site and debug this issue. When I'm done I will post back. Once the issue is fixed, you can revoke my access e.g. by changing the Super Administrator and FTP passwords.

In order for me to help you fast and accurately, please provide the information by copying the form below, paste it into your reply and fill in the information:

----- Access Information Form -- START -----
WordPress Administrator access

  • URL to site's administrator page (e.g.
  • Administrator username:
  • Administrator password:

FTP connection information

  • FTP methods supported (e.g. FTP, FTPS, SFTP):
  • FTP Hostname:
  • FTP Username:
  • FTP Password:
  • FTP Port (if other than 21 for FTP and 22 for SFTP, ask your host):

----- Access Information Form -- END -----

Please make sure that you have tested the Administrator connection using a different browser or machine than the one you are using daily. Double check that logging in is possible and that the user has Administrator privileges or, if it's a WordPress multisite installation, Network Administrator privileges. Make sure that your site does not block whole countries or IP ranges which would make it impossible for me to log in / connect by FTP. Finally, please do make sure that the FTP connection works and that logging in to it I have access to your site's files.

Kindly note that your site connection information and your site content is handled in strict confidence. Not only we are a reputable development company, we are also bound by law (EU GDPR) to do so. After you file your reply, the connection information to your site will be stored in an encrypted, hidden storage area on our site and will be automatically deleted when this ticket is closed. Finally keep in mind that the people providing support to you are the same developers who wrote the software you're using on your site.

Davide Tampellini

Developer and Support Staff

🇮🇹Italian: native 🇬🇧English: good • 🕐 My time zone is Europe / Rome (UTC +1)
Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies. Thank you!