Nicholas, what I found out, yes, thirteen days later, was the an add-on for GiveWP was causing to crash. I used the trick of renaming the plugins folder to plugins.hold, logging into the back end, access plugins, logging back out, renaming plugins.hold back to plugins, and then logging back in and reactivating each plugin one at a time until I found the one that caused the site to crash. It was the givewp-text-to-give SMS plugin that was causing the site to crash which was called by their main PHP file give.php.
I have disabled the "Protect against clickjacking" setting in .htaccess maker, and recreated the .htaccess file, but still some of the check boxes on the donation form will not respond to clicks and my PayPal email address isn't recognized as having been inputed
I spent a lot of time getting GiveWP to look good on this site and didn't want to start over with your suggestion.
The form in question is found at
One of the input fields that isn't working is: <input name="give_agree_to_terms" class="required" type="checkbox" id="give_agree_to_terms-278" value="1" required="" aria-required="true" tabindex="1">
The other email address input field is: <input class="give-input required" type="email" name="give_email" autocomplete="email" placeholder="Email Address*" id="give-email" value="[email protected]" required="" aria-required="true" style="padding-left: 33px!important;" tabindex="1"> Notice the email address is recognized, and this is a valid PayPal email address, but for some reason, probably because a call is made to PayPal from within the iFrame, that it is getting blocked.
There isn't anything special about these input fields except that they are contained in an iFrame, because GiveWP said that this is the only way that they could ensure that their forms would look good, out of the box, regardless of what template a user chose, with just a basic installation and configuration. I prefer to handle the CSS myself, but that is the way they did it, I actually over-rode their CSS anyway.
I know the issue with iFrames going forward, but I just want to get this working for the moment and then if the client has budget, provide a better solution down the road.
Is there something else in .htaccess I can disable or something in WAF I can disable?
P.S. I can't use the PayPal Donation method, because that requires DSS-PCI compliance and the client can't afford the $200/mo. for a server that meets PCI compliance standards, so I am forced to use the old PayPal Standard payment method..