Would it be possible to add a placeholder in AdminTools email templates for the host name?
I receive security exception emails from multiple sites I manage and to make it easier for me to filter these messages in my inbox, I have mail rules in place that filter by the domain name in the subject line. So, I end up editing the subject lines of every email template on every site to include the domain/subdomain name to work with my mailbox rules. A placeholder for the host name would be wonderful, so I can make my templates more easily copied to new sites.
An example of my customized subject line would be something like this "AdminTools (mysitedomainname.com): Security exception"
I know there's a placeholder for [SITENAME] but sometimes the site is a dev or staging copy of a production site and the site name is the same as the production site.
I'm posting this in the AdminTools for Wordpress category, but I run AT both on Wordpress and Joomla, so the placeholder would be helpful for both extensions.